Example sentences of "do not wish [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do not wish at this stage to disclose the nature of the circumstantial evidence . ’
2 After snarling a few choice remarks at them from the corners of our mouths , such as , ‘ Get lost ! ’ or ‘ Beat it ! ’ , which we understood to be good American for , ‘ Please go away , we do not wish for company , ’ we managed to rid ourselves of a few of them , but two of the most persistent followed us until we were clear of the town , and then we realised that the only way to be left alone was for us to be really rude .
3 Ideally , they do not wish for any interaction at all with the other kinds of superhuman beings .
4 You say hello to her , you assume she has been reading your mail or listening in to your private telephone calls ( actually I never did either ) , and you tell her when you do not wish to be disturbed .
5 Even the churchmen , closely tied to the opposition , stress they do not wish to be seen as ‘ anti-Communist ’ .
6 Whatever may be the case in Russia , we in the degenerate West can switch off the radio or television , or not buy a newspaper , or not read such parts of it as we do not wish to .
7 ‘ I do not wish to be hard upon poor people in great affliction ; but I can not help thinking that they have been doing for hundreds of years past something very like what the Bible calls ‘ tempting God' ’ — staking their property and their lives upon the chances or no earthquakes coming , while they ought to have known that an earthquake might come an day . ’
8 Individuals have a right not to be touched if they do not wish to be touched , since the body is private .
9 I do not wish to be like those dumpy , chisel-faced women with shopping baskets who tut-tut scandals to each other between the stacked shelves of dog-food , striped toothpaste , coloured toilet-rolls and instant mashed potato in the supermarket opposite the triangle of Shepherd 's Bush Green .
10 ‘ I do not wish to be spared …
11 I can not change this and I do not wish to .
12 If it were more forcefully to challenge the ageism that underlies the social structure , would it be in danger of provoking a backlash from those of its supporters who do not wish to be reminded that all is not well , despite their charity ?
13 Older customers with special requirements do not wish to be seen as different .
14 On many occasions I have heard environmentalists say that they do not wish to be ‘ tarred by the same brush ’ which has so comprehensively covered some extremists in the Animal Rights Movement and which has brought that movement into disrepute .
15 No one can be healed if at one level ( often on an unconscious level ) they do not wish to be healed , or if they can not trust , or let go of any fears that may be blocking the flow of healing energies .
16 In addition , there are some excellent hypnotherapists who just do not have the right personality to work in the field of past-life regression — and , of course , there are others who simply do not wish to .
17 Our talk was full of her locutions , such as ‘ I do not wish to be speaking of it ’ , or ‘ in all the ways that do n't go into words ‘ .
18 We do not wish to be the first case of this kind to go before the Special Commissioners .
19 I do not wish to be a martyr .
20 It is essential to belong to a major exchange organization , because buyers do not wish to be tied to taking their holidays in the same area year after year .
21 You do not wish to be my wife ?
22 ‘ You do n't need to get to know her if you do not wish to .
23 Some folk use machine knitting because they can not , or do not wish to , hand knit .
24 From now onwards I do not wish to be lectured about smoking , drinking , the environment or what architecture I should admire .
25 I certainly do not wish to be an apologist for the whole of any sector ; nor will I accept that every establishment within it , including the one of which I am the director , is flawed fundamentally simply by existing .
26 Few are naturalized and most do not wish to be .
27 In contrast to our previous example we shall now investigate a cylindrical beam consisting of two kinds of charge carriers : negative electrons and some positive particles , which I do not wish to be more precise about at the moment .
28 Additional home support can be provided for a further 10 clients who do not wish to or can not attend the day centre .
29 Staff need , however , to strike a delicate balance between giving optimistic support and encouragement on the one hand and accepting on the other that some individuals do not wish to , or can not , change as a result of disability and may need to be helped , therefore , to cope with permanent social impairments and distressing symptoms .
30 But I do not wish to .
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