Example sentences of "up into [det] other " in BNC.

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1 In the two figures on the right in particular the earlier striations and hatchings have given way to more discreetly and subtly modelled planes delineating the component parts of the trunks and limbs of the figures ; these planes are angled away from each other along clearly defined ridges in some passages , but softly opened up into each other in others .
2 The painting is awkwardly and laxly structured but now the contours of many of the compositional elements have been freely and insistently opened up into each other so that the eye is led quickly not only into depth but also steeply up the picture surface , a premonition of things to come .
3 The picture plane is further emphasized by the complete lack of aerial perspective ( the far houses are , if anything , darker and stronger in value than the foreground house ) , and by the fact that occasionally contours are broken and forms opened up into each other .
4 The picture plane is further stressed by the device of dropping the small doors or openings below the bases of the buildings , and by the way in which some of the forms are opened up into each other and fused .
5 Inside the objects and figures the planes begin to be opened up into each other more fully and are less clearly differentiated than hitherto .
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