Example sentences of "who had come [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She was still crying when she suddenly noticed Gabriel Oak , who had come up the path on his way to the church , and was watching her sympathetically .
2 This from Werewolf who had come up the stairs behind me , his arms loaded with parcels .
3 In Toronto on that homeward trip I first met Ernest L. Bushnell who had come into radio as one-quarter of a male quartet and who rose in the ranks of Canadian radio until he became the top executive of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation some years later .
4 The supporters of modern algebra within the ATAM , who had come into contact with the pure mathematicians in various European-wide meetings , such as Royaumont and the ICSlTM conferences , gradually made ‘ modern mathematics ’ more acceptable to many school teachers by combining it with those elements of their original mission concerned with Piagetian ideas , and proposing ‘ intuitive ’ and ‘ experiental ’ approaches to its study .
5 Such were the main groups of Cossacks and anti-Tito Yugoslavs who had come into 5 Corps hands by 12 May .
6 It was the other detective , White , who had come into the living-room far too quietly for my liking .
7 And someone who had come into the district recently .
8 In return the monarch undertook to protect those who had come under his ‘ high hand ’ .
9 Interior Ministry troops , who had come under fire from rooftop snipers , later succeeded in throwing a cordon around the CP headquarters to protect it from further attack , but Moscow radio reports said that by the evening of Feb. 13 the violence had spread from the city centre to numerous locations in the suburbs , and that automatic gunfire could be heard .
10 He could not get over the fact that the only woman who had come through the near-impossible screening , then training , had not been some six foot Amazon with a face like Atilla the Hun — but a petite , feminine five foot three in her stockinged feet , who turned all the men 's head when she passed .
11 The new pathway students were not identified by tutors in the clinical clerkships , and unreported data collected by Dr Gordon Moore , who coordinated the introduction of the scheme , suggest that new pathway students tended to be assessed as rather better than those who had come through the traditional route .
12 A little outside Saint-Jean to the north-east , in fact , near the village of Ostabat , three of the main pilgrim routes across France met up , to advance as one towards the mountain passes , so that through Saint-Jean there went the pilgrims who had travelled from Paris , from Vézelay in Burgundy , and from Le Puy and Conques further to the south ; only those who had come through Provence took a different route into Spain , over the Col du Somport .
13 He felt that , on the whole , we should aim for people who had come off the BBC training course , who were n't yet ready to tackle major dramas , but who needed to cut their teeth on something demanding .
14 Brandy was poured immediately , and ‘ On a side-board was placed for us , who had come off the sea , a substantial dinner , and a variety of wines . ’
15 Mark Gill picked up the ball in the middle of the Park and , with the Portadown defence spreadeagled and offering no challenge , he calmly lobbed it over their heads and also that of Magee who had come off his line .
16 The two or three families who had come without money or slaves and who had kept themselves rigorously segregated from the few black people they found already on the island , were still shunning newcomers .
17 It was the girl who had come with the policeman .
18 Sir Alexander Gray , who had come with Keith , said that a promise to yield within a definite period , say four days , unless relieved by the Regent , might well be accepted , and save the hostages .
19 Another burst of applause announced the arrival of the Prince of Orange , who had come with a handful of staff officers .
20 And at night I asked one of the young men who was helping us , one who had come with the carters , to help me load the saint on to the wagon , to go to Ramsey to the aid and succour of our misused house .
21 They had brought tales with them from England of witchcraft and the King 's concern ; an Essex man who had come with the Hopewell on the return voyage recalled how when he was a child , a pricker was calling on all the households of the nearby villages to discover the sources of a murrain on the flocks .
22 No encore was needed , despite the clamour for one and the band left knowing they 'd converted all who had come with an open mind .
23 She moved away to talk to Eustace Tolby who had come with his wife , an elegant Asian woman .
24 Before she left , the Princess Royal became the first signatory to the new Napier University Visitors Book and on her departure , one of Napier 's youngest ‘ students ’ , four-year-old Kirsty Hutton who had come with other children from Napier 's crèche to wave goodbye to the Princess , presented her with a posy .
25 Lord Wakeham , who had come with the necessary cheque , had muttered something about boys being boys , and that Robertson would do well to go to his hotel and sleep it off .
26 A group of men who had come with Leofnoth found a broached cask and began to drag it out of the rear of the wood , and Siward had three of them hanged .
27 No encore was needed , despite the clamour for one and the band left knowing they 'd converted all who had come with an open mind .
28 Owen laboured over the living , mending them as best he could , and over the dead , making them ready for burial , until he fell and lay like dead beside the last of them , but still conscious and aware , and Adam and some of those who had come with the priest to their aid carried him away and bedded him in quietness in one of the cottages .
29 Most of the local men who had come for the conventicle , had come armed in case of a surprise attack , and many of the others agreed to arm themselves , but additional men would be required if the Dragoons were to be confronted .
30 Abul Ismail , who had come for news , retired to a cushion and sat , his hands on his lap .
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