Example sentences of "who set the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Er , and in general we have a , er , panel of the non-executive directors who set the directors ' salary in relation to the other directors I am also on that panel er , but obviously not in relation to my own salary .
2 Every child was given a kit of information and mementos from the local emergency services , fire , police and ambulance , public utilities and local councils who set the challenges .
3 We are in the season of Advent which , as we know , means the Coming — — the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ — and He , as we know also , was crucified by rulers who set the claims of the State above Him .
4 The people who set the standards are no longer the older generation , the people who have lived their lives and come to some judgement on what life is all about .
5 It 's now the younger people , the people who make fortunes , like Richard Branson of Virgin , or even tennis stars , who set the standards .
6 You will notice I say ‘ what ’ rather than ‘ who ’ is a great butler ; for there was actually no serious dispute as to the identity of the men who set the standards amongst our generation .
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