Example sentences of "who held the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The rioters , who held the streets of London for three days after Wilkes ' election , although they did not come exclusively from the working classes , were still overwhelmingly so composed .
2 Kings , Queens , Princes , great lords and ladies , poor people , the boys who held the horses … everyone .
3 African writers began to question the motives of those who held the positions of power , including the various missionary organisations .
4 The hurdle of post office reform has brought down French ministers of state before now , notably Pierre Lelong , who held the posts and telecommunications portfolio in Jacques Chirac 's government but was forced to resign after a long and bitter strike in 1974 .
5 Area Manager , Paul Stearn saw the opportunity of bringing together contented councillors who had used our services with local authority personnel who held the keys to future business .
6 One of the officials with whom I had dealings was John Hampden , who years later was to become a colleague ; but although he did his best to be co-operative , it was the men who held the purse-strings that counted , and , going between the MOI and Faber 's , I could not extract from officialdom any commitment and Eliot naturally needed certain specific undertakings regarding finance before Faber 's could think of commissioning a book , which also needed the Ministry 's imprimatur .
7 He was the man who held the drawstrings to the Shah 's own private fortune , amassed at home and abroad since the Shah had found himself penniless in his first exile in 1953 .
8 They trotted in tandem around the floor , high-stepping to the whim of a muscular young man who held the reins behind them .
9 Except for the matter of who held the weapons , there seemed little distinction between gang members and the scarred , tattooed troopers clad in olive-drab hive tunics hung with amulets .
10 It was he who held the troops together in their communal dormitory , and it was he who led them out the next morning .
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