Example sentences of "who do [not/n't] use " in BNC.

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1 Yeah I mean , they 're upgrading all of the machines at work but what they 're doing is instead of throwing them out , those who do n't use P Cs that often are being given the slower machines and those that as part of their job function , they need something much faster have been given the the newer machines .
2 There is already witch hunting by bigots who do n't use burning stakes any more — the law mercifully wo n't allow them to .
3 There is not much in the way of a half-way house between people who do not use credit at all and those who use it frequently .
5 An interesting feature of the results was that the pupils who did not use scissors had higher scores on the non-practical part of the test , but represented fewer pieces of " furniture " on the diagram of the room than those who used scissors .
6 Because of the roughness of the ground in Taimyr the Tavgi were the only Siberian people who did not use skis .
7 Interestingly , the teachers who did not use The Machine Gunners said things like , ‘ I like other books more ’ ( for example Conrad 's War and The Ghost of Thomas Kempe ) and went on to describe very positive pupil responses to these alternative titles .
8 Of the 23 control subjects who did not use NSAIDs ulceration was present in five ( three gastric , two duodenal ) , five had erosions , and 14 had an endoscopically normal mucosa .
9 A person who does n't use any animal products at all
10 He is one of the jewels of radio , a playwright who understands the medium , but who does n't use radio merely as a way of playing tricks that would n't work on stage or television .
11 Actually I 'm trying to find more writers who are around now , but it 's hard to find someone who does n't use all the songs for themselves . ’
12 When you get people on to a sort of Noddy Goes Selling course , which is the first one you come on , you are expected to believe that when you leave here anybody who does n't use T N T Express would be absolutely crazy , and that everybody you 're going to talk to is going to bite your arm off as long as you stay with your boyfriend .
13 The man who does not use his reason to weed out his emotions is not an egoist ; he is selfish and generous , kind and cruel , grateful and revengeful .
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