Example sentences of "who have nothing to do " in BNC.

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1 In practice , however , it is very likely that the person who creates a DC , and enters all the initial information about it , will be a technical assistant , who has nothing to do with the actual implementation of the DC .
2 Another man who had nothing to do with the murder was an attention seeker , Owen Roberts , a tailor of no fixed abode who admitted the murder when arrested at Pangbourne for another , but trivial offence .
3 Players bought who had nothing to do with the Liverpool way of life .
4 The individual being insufficient for the expression of these values , they might be extended in vicarious forms such as footservants who had nothing to do but to display their own superfluity , or pets , which provided surfaces for the further display of luxury .
5 Up to now he had considered women to be distant , almost foreign creatures , who had nothing to do with him .
6 The Left tradition was reinforced by the belief that the war would not have broken out had the Chamberlain government done something to prevent it , a view held by many who had nothing to do with the Left .
7 When Svidrigailov and Porfiry , who never meet — bold again — and who have nothing to do with each other , both tell Raskolnikov that a man needs air , my business is to try and suggest how it is that Dostoevsky 's reader finds himself in immediate dual touch with a Petersburg july day and a universal truth .
8 JEFFERSON AIRHEAD : ‘ Congratulations ’ ( Korova ) four piece from Maidstone , of all places , who have nothing to do with Airplanes , Starships or Eurovision song contest winners , with their debut freak out — out now
9 They are at the expense of people who have nothing to do with the production or consumption of a product — but who end up paying the costs .
10 By contrast , Wafa stated , the killings in Egypt had been carried out by people " who have nothing to do with the PLO " .
11 The Communist Party Central Committee complained in February 1932 : The Minority Movement is a small self-absorbed organization of leaders who have nothing to do with the real struggle of the workers and who instead of going to the workers , working among them and fighting against the reformist leaders in the Trade Unions , simply approach the workers with the invitation to take part in a highly elaborate organisational structure .
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