Example sentences of "her [noun pl] fixed on " in BNC.

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1 She waited , sipping the water , her eyes fixed on me .
2 With her thoughts far away and her eyes fixed on the distant horizon , she did not notice where she was going — and as the tall , broad-shouldered man who was coming from the opposite direction was too deeply absorbed in his own reflections to be aware of his surroundings , there was a sudden abrupt collision .
3 Hilary Robarts had been slumped back in her chair , her eyes fixed on Lessingham .
4 Now , thirty years later , lying rigid , her eyes fixed on the sky , she remembered that single word , his eyes looking into hers , his hands on her shoulders , the bark of the tree scraping her back through her Aertex shirt .
5 She still kept her eyes fixed on the swirling liquid ; when she did speak it was part-defiance and part-apology .
6 He would look up from his newspaper after supper to find her eyes fixed on him , in a way which brought back to him the passion with which she had kissed him upon the moor .
7 ‘ Jemima , ’ Artemis whispered , her eyes fixed on her lace table mat .
8 Every time Vernon looked back she was striding with her chin tilted theatrically , her eyes fixed on the smoky heavens .
9 She wished Mother a Happy Christmas , her eyes fixed on the child across the road and that silhouette of Mr Punch who now appeared with raised and menacing fist .
10 Then she knuckled off to the back of the cage and Fifi followed , her eyes fixed on the banana although she was n't trying to snatch .
11 ‘ The Angry Sun in truth , ’ said Fenella , her expression absorbed , her eyes fixed on Goibniu and the others .
12 Fenella , her heart thudding frantically , kept her eyes fixed on the door and a fearful hope began to unfurl .
13 To watch him then was such a mingled joy of yearning and pity that sometimes , frightened of her waking thoughts but more afraid of the nightmares of sleep , she would carry her night-light into his bedroom and crouch by the cot for an hour or more , her eyes fixed on his sleeping face , her restlessness soothed by his peace .
14 But when Maria Filippa heard Davide laugh , she twisted up from her stricken position and her eyes fixed on him with hatred , ‘ You 're laughing , are you ?
15 Tess used to rest her head on the cow 's body , her eyes fixed on a distant field .
16 Madra was shivering again , her eyes fixed on the Circle beyond the burning longhouses .
17 She watched him as he reached for his brandy glass and drained it , her eyes fixed on his dark profile , drinking him in .
18 Feeling nervous , she clasped her trembling hands together and perched on the edge of the couch , her eyes fixed on the doorway .
19 He chopped , and her eyes fixed on me , bead-black and ebony-shining .
20 Eddie took a couple of steps forward , her eyes fixed on the dead flowers .
21 A few steps from the foot of the crimson-carpeted staircase Shiona paused , her eyes fixed on the front door .
22 But she saw his lips move and her eyes fixed on them , for suddenly she had n't the courage to look into his eyes .
23 She kept her eyes fixed on Silvia and smiled a mock-stern smile .
24 Her eyes fixed on his lips , drawn to the wide mouth as if its imprint was but a breath away , then with an effort she dragged her glance from them , half turning to avoid the intensity of his regard .
25 She kept her eyes fixed on the magazine .
26 Paling , she sank into a green armchair , her eyes fixed on his hard-boned face .
27 With her eyes fixed on the road ahead , she frowned .
28 With her eyes fixed on the dog Sophie said suddenly , ‘ She 's coming round . ’
29 However , she had her sights fixed on higher things than the University of Suffolk , a new ‘ plateglass ’ university with a reputation for student vandalism .
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