Example sentences of "so strong be [art] " in BNC.

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1 So strong is the nostalgia , that Mao , Chou En-lai and other founders of ‘ new China ’ often seem to have returned from the dead .
2 And so strong is the legal culture that radical change , to make the bar and judiciary more accessible or representative , looks unlikely .
3 So strong is the activity in these discharges that it can still be measured in the sea right down the western coast of Britain , northwards round the top of Scotland , and even as far away as Scandinavia .
4 So strong is the spell on him , I know none who could undo it ; it draws on his own nature , and all his strength serves but to bind it tighter .
5 So strong are the memories of the Girls that whenever they announce a reunion , photographers and journalists are eager to record the event .
6 So strong was the filmmakers ' infatuation with Hollywood that they were unable to work from an understanding of the situation that faced them , and develop British cinema according to its own economic and cultural realities .
7 So strong was the feeling that several times she thought she caught the tail-end of a movement as they passed by several blackened stumps and she turned sharply , expecting to see something leering evilly at them , but there was nothing .
8 Yet so strong was the belief in a static universe that it persisted into the early twentieth century .
9 So strong was the fear that a " united front from above " would reflect credit on the ILP that Communists were warned that " the ILP must not be looked upon as a potential ally of the CP . "
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