Example sentences of "so that they become " in BNC.

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1 The problem is how to link them so that they become like sentences in a play or poem .
2 The variety Nottingham has the best fruits , which must be left on the tree as long as possible so that they become ‘ bletted ’ — dark brown and softly squidgy .
3 Teachers should use texts of increasing difficulty to develop pupils ' powers of discrimination and perseverance so that they become confident and efficient in their use and interpretation of such material .
4 ( iii ) In the context of their own writing and reading , they should learn about some of the frequently occurring words and roots that have been absorbed into English from other languages , so that they become familiar with the common word-building processes and spelling patterns that derive from them .
5 Nowadays , however , we are capable of transforming rivers so that they become quite unrecognizable .
6 Nor can I accept that it is my duty to reform hawks and pigeons so that they become well-behaved social humans where the hawks stop grabbing baby pigeons and the pigeons stop nicking my peas .
7 And , finally , here are some thought-starters on ways of replacing unrealistic thoughts and beliefs that provoke feelings of guilt so that they become more realistic and less likely to hinder your behaviour :
8 And , finally , here are some thought-starters on ways of replacing unrealistic thoughts and beliefs that provoke feelings of inadequacy so that they become more realistic and less likely to hinder your behaviour :
9 And , finally , here are some thought-starters on ways of replacing unrealistic thoughts and beliefs that provoke feelings of inhibition so that they become more realistic and less likely to hinder your behaviour :
10 And , finally , here are some thought-starters on ways of replacing unrealistic thoughts and beliefs that provoke feelings of jealousy so that they become more realistic and less likely to hinder your behaviour :
11 And , finally , here are some thought-starters on ways of replacing unrealistic thoughts and beliefs that provoke feelings of worry so that they become more realistic and less likely to hinder your behaviour :
12 The fall in oestrogen levels during the menopause affects the layers of cells in the vagina so that they become thinner , with less lubrication and elasticity and intercourse can become painful , making the vagina sore ( a condition called dyspareunia ) .
13 They wear these muzzles from time to time so that they become accustomed to the restrictions imposed upon them .
14 The Stock Exchange plans to publish revised listing rules in May 1993 so that they become effective in July 1993 .
15 While the key features of each — the limited liability company , the use of collective bargaining and the state provision of welfare — all have something of a Christian basis in terms of providing outlets for savings , strengthening the family , and correcting injustice and providing for those in need , nevertheless it is easy to see how they can become taken over by humanistic philosophy — so that they become unlimited freedom to create wealth , the use of collective power and the denial of individual merit and the state as the alternative for the family and private charity .
16 Children become frightened of soiling themselves and learn to hold in their faeces so that they become constipated .
17 The four basic types of activity offered in Conversation are : controlled activities to give students confidence and support ; awareness activities to increase students ' sensitivity to what they are aiming at ; fluency activities to give students the practice they need to use English for communication ; and feedback tasks to allow students to reflect on their own performance so that they become aware of areas in which they have to improve .
18 Sheep automatically seem to connect people with food , so that they become bothersome and , in some cases I saw , dangerous as they tried butting until harassed walkers gave in and handed over some of their food .
19 we 're prepared to look at the the client reports and change them so that they become as good as we , we can get them .
20 Encouragement , funding and practical support for advocacy groups and user-only forums so that they become active in monitoring local mental health services ; formal channels of communication should be established from the users ' group to health and local authorities
21 To help raise parental esteem so that they become equal partners in this process ; and so that young children are able to see their parents as problem solving , confident role models .
22 Applying the principles of the 12 Steps in all aspects of life so that they become a natural way of life and provide the capacity to live happily and confidently without the need for mood-altering substances or behaviours .
23 The marketer must understand why people want or need products , so that he or she can : * group ( or " segment " ) different people according to those reasons for purchase ( see chapter sixteen ) ; * design and distribute products which will deliver the required " satisfactions " for these needs or wants ; * target promotional activities on these different people so that they become aware of the satisfactions on offer from the supplier , and are encouraged to make the actual purchase .
24 The limbs are generally thin , but there is a marked tendency to distend or inflate the trunks of the bodies so that they become unnaturally broad .
25 Alternatively , their loyalty may be captured by the career staff in their departments so that they become primarily spokespersons for , and defenders of , department policies against encroachments from elsewhere .
26 If depreciation is to be substituted for loan redemptions , then first of all the law must be changed , to take the principal repayments out of the revenue account so that they become balance sheet transfers as in business .
27 Grammatical structures need to be " overlearned " — so that they become automatic habits .
28 Crew members are rotated between areas on a daily basis so that they become skilled in all forms of work .
29 Richard of St Victor used the story to schematise his understanding of how God ( Jacob ) works in the human will and affections ( Leah ) and the reason ( Rachel ) so that they become fruitful with the knowledge of himself .
30 By way of contrast , unpaid interest or capital repayments relating to loans usually constitute an " event of default " under the loan documentation with the result that the lender will stop any further loans , and may accelerate repayment of the sums outstanding so that they become immediately due and payable .
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