Example sentences of "who [vb mod] not bear " in BNC.

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1 Quite how a man who could not bear to hurt a living thing after seeing the damage his childhood air-rifle did to a starling could serve as defence secretary is something of an enigma .
2 People who could not bear it walked out .
3 Here I was , for some time , the favourite of Mrs. Simper , my lady 's woman , who could not bear the vulgar girls , and was happy in the attendance of a young woman of some education .
4 It was somewhat similar with me ; the war was on , albeit far away , and I was missing it ; patriotism and duty did enter into the picture but I was chafing at the bit like Old Dobbin who could not bear to stay away from a fire !
5 He records Smart 's statement that he ‘ must have finished an unfortunate life in jail had it not been for the good nature of a Friend , who could not bear to see his tears ’ .
6 Damn him for dissembling ; for pretending to Daniel that he was n't wounded to the core at being passed over , pretending that it was only Anna who was suffering , as if it were she who could not bear the lack of advancement , of increased prosperity .
7 We may note Le Chevalier qui fist parler les cons ( seven manuscript copies ) , Cele qui se fist foutre sur la fosse de son mari , " The woman who got fucked on the tomb of her husband " ( six copies ) , Cele qui fu foutue et desfoutue ( six copies ) , La Damoiselle qui ne pooit oïr parler de foutre , " The maid who could not bear hearing talk of fucking " ( five copies ) , La Coille noire , " The black balls " ( six copies ) or La Dame escoillee , " The woman who had her balls cut off " ( six copies ) .
8 Mr Wheeler , an engineer who worked for many years in the oil business , is a pleasant , slightly worried-looking man who can not bear the fact that no one seems to realise just what lengths he goes to in order to keep the plant squeaky clean and emission-free .
9 Similarly , those who can not bear to know about differences between people out of bed , and whose marriage is based more on identification than complementarity , can be disturbed by actual bodily differences which can not be ignored in bed .
10 There are many people , though , who can not bear to delve too deeply into this vast and painful subject , although they are anxious to know enough about it to enable them to act wisely when called upon to support and console a relative who has suffered a major loss .
11 Like a child who can not bear to look at the cupboard where the witch might live , she stared past the bench and its mummified shape .
12 ‘ Of a four-handed cast , ’ wrote Bernard Levin in the Daily Mail , ‘ Mr Michael Crawford , as the brother who can not bear his sister to be touched by the world , makes a great deal out of what I suspect is not very much , conveying well his uncomprehending self-disgust . ’
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