Example sentences of "her husband when [pron] " in BNC.

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1 " There will be a revolution , I feel it , " she said to her husband when they left .
2 She tells me that Jack was a real piss-head , and was always having to borrow money off her husband when they went out on the town .
3 Further culinary delights await Kate and her husband when they visit the French capital a special dinner will be laid on for them at La Maison Androuet , the city 's speciality cheese restaurant .
4 Teesside Crown Court heard how blonde Julie Spence agreed to four sex sessions with her husband when they split after ten years of marriage .
5 Mrs Barnet tells me that she expects her husband when she sees him .
6 In cases where marriage has been discussed , pregnancy is not unwelcome , and may even have been anticipated , as it had been for Claire , who married her husband when she was five months pregnant .
7 ‘ She must be a strangely unimaginative or insensitive woman if she can bear to keep in touch with a woman who started an affair with her husband when she was pregnant with their child ! ’
8 Margery 's conversation with her husband when she has come home from the Exhibition
9 ‘ See it in its historical perspective , ’ Ellen comforted her husband when she returned in the small hours .
10 Ethel May Nicholson , the woman Jack called ‘ Mud ’ , short for mother which she was n't , was a broad-shouldered woman , though not physically , who carried the family and occasionally her husband when he was too drunk to stand without support .
11 No need for secrets , so Mrs Files telephoned her daughter straight away , then told Frank Grimwood who came by with four brace of partridge from yesterday 's let shoot ; who stopped Alec on the tractor with a load of silage behind ; who met Tom in the grainstore ; who found Mary in the estate office when he went in to fill out his time sheet ; who confided in the postman when he came with the afternoon mail ; who amazed Mrs May in Forester 's Cottage when he delivered her Freeman 's Catalogue and a postcard from her son holidaying in Pouket ; who stunned her husband when he came in from the saw mill .
12 Why did Angelica Kauffman return so often to the image of Penelope , wife of Ulysses mother of Telemachus , who was abandoned by her husband when he went off to fight the Trojan Wars , and had to fend off a pack of vulture-like suitors who wanted to take over Ulysses ' estate , wealth and derelict wife .
13 She sustained an injury to her hip which prevented her from caring for her husband when he was at home .
14 She met her husband when he was working for British Steel in Czechoslovakia .
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