Example sentences of "her husband [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Arsmtrong said : ‘ She said she thought he was going to start on her again so she went into the kitchen to get a knife and while her husband had his back turned she pushed the knife into his lower back .
2 He had reckoned without the mother , however , who started behaving very violently , plunging the house into darkness one night trying to electrocute herself , and threatening to wreck the warehouse where her husband kept his stocks .
3 The fascination of this book is in its clear-sighted debunking of the myths which many have fondly mistaken for historical truth : that Columbus was really aiming for Asia , that he and his sailors thought the world was flat , that Queen Isabella pawned her jewels to finance his trips and came down with her husband to wave him off from the docks , or even ( a fondly-cherished delusion ) that these were journeys of discovery rather than intentional acquisition and expansion of the Spanish empire .
4 BULLIED wife Linda Kelly wept with shame when her husband forced her to have sex with his best friend , a jury was told yesterday .
5 In later years when they were reduced to penury , she displayed great moral heroism in preserving intact the framework of a family and a household , which alone enabled her husband to continue his work .
6 But her husband interrupted her .
7 Meanwhile , his wife justifies everything he does , ignores the very obvious sufferings of her daughters , and sacrifices her last chance of a career in nursing in a vain attempt to make her husband love her .
8 Her husband vaunted what he called his ‘ poverty ’ , without , of course , ever explaining its cause .
9 Her husband said she had suffered ‘ three years of worry ’ .
10 She said she wanted to warn the Shah , but her husband forbade her to do any such thing .
11 When her husband saw her coming his heart was wrung with anguish , but the two older brothers , without wasting a moment , seized her , tied her hands , and pushed her into a gap in the wall .
12 A few days later , an irate Mrs Jacobs was in touch : ‘ She stated that neither she nor her husband saw our representative and she is annoyed that ‘ some person ’ should have questioned her servants about their private affairs . ’
13 Elaine can not bear the thought of her husband using her handkerchief .
14 Normally Rachel slept for a few hours after the feed and Carrie had made sure her husband knew what to do should the baby wake up before she got home .
15 He got it from La Belle Fertoniere : her husband knew she had syphilis and allowed Francis to seduce her .
16 See , her husband takes her shopping on a Saturday to Asda and and why do n't you go , I do n't know whether they all been together or what ?
17 Her husband obliged her to face the fact that there is no suitable successor available to relieve her of the heavy burden she carries , ’ says the insider .
18 Vera Loomis , the ninety-two-year-old who lived at number 92 and was known for some reason as Got All the Things There Then ? had offered plum wine or home-brewed lager and Susan Doyle , who was reported to watch News at Ten while her husband pleasured her , had suggested lemonade shandy .
19 ‘ That could take days if not weeks , ’ her husband told her .
20 Her husband told her she 's got nothing to fear because the things they did together were n't dangerous .
21 Presumably , when her husband told her that he and his boss practised harmless sex , what he meant is that they do n't practise full gay sex .
22 Mrs. O'Brien said that she believed what her husband told her about the company doing well and having good potential , but she was concerned for her son and felt that it was only for three weeks , and if it would do the trick , she would sign .
23 After her husband told her they had been ruined by Wickens , she stormed off to confront him , only to see him setting off on his bicycle .
24 An airman 's wife has told a jury how her husband told her he started a fire which caused nineteen million pounds damage to an airbase .
25 Heather Bailey said her husband told her how he 'd cut cut down a parachute in hangar 8 at RAF Hullavington and lit it with a match .
26 Mrs Bailey says her husband told her he and Corporal Steven Paterson had gone to the hangar after a drinking spree .
27 erm , cos Mary that still works in there she , her husband worked for either Mr Henry , I ca n't remember his name , the man that owned it , and I think , I think perhaps they were brothers or something , she , her husband owns it now it 's Freyers or something now
28 She signed it because her husband pressed her to do so and told her he was being pressed by Campbell , and because she believed that if she would sign it … it would enable her husband to settle the beer contract . …
29 Her husband muttered something to me about going to find her and then stormed off . ’
30 By the end of the first scene Blanche has had her first ‘ flashback ’ to the Casino , where her husband killed himself .
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