Example sentences of "her feet [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well … it was her feet that gave her away . ’
2 Sandison tried to catch a glimpse of her feet but found it difficult .
3 She might even be weaving a spell to tangle her feet or make her lose her way in the wood !
4 There she suspends herself by her feet and takes a well-earned rest , having done her best to ensure that her single babe , in spite of everything , has received its proper milk-ration .
5 Donna got to her feet and padded across to the bathroom where she showered quickly , rinsing away the dirt of the journey .
6 She 'd be very antagonistic when I was putting the jesses on , so the first thing she would do when I picked her up was pull at her feet and try to work herself loose .
7 Jessica got to her knees , holding herself and snorting , then staggered to her feet and ran down to the water .
8 And then , as her dazed mind finally absorbed the fact that it really was Ross , and not a figment of her overheated imagination , she quickly jumped to her feet and ran swiftly across the floor towards him .
9 With a gasp she was on her feet and pushing her way to the door .
10 To Busacher 's astonishment Madge Grimsilk rose to her feet and placed a hand on Willi 's shoulder .
11 A rabbit dodged between her feet and made it to the hedgerow .
12 Tired , she got to her feet and made to leave .
13 Scrambling , she got to her feet and made a grab at the kitchen knife at the sink .
14 He sent for one man and Chennaa , swallowed some cold meat and wine and , wrapping himself in a dry cloak , went and mounted the camel , crooning love-talk as she rose to her feet and took up her soft , swaying gait .
15 She rose to her feet and walked on ; every so often she checked her pedometer , as she clocked up five , ten , fifteen miles .
16 Miss Honey got to her feet and walked smartly out of the room , but was back in thirty seconds carrying a thick book .
17 She jumped to her feet and walked quickly through to the hall , her eyes blazing fiercely .
18 She got stiffly to her feet and walked obediently through to the other room .
19 Suddenly restless , she rose to her feet and walked a few steps away from him , resting her elbows on the garden gate as she looked far away into the empty distance .
20 Roman tugged Claudia to her feet and rushed her out of the garden before the coach doors had time to open .
21 ‘ You do what you want , Mike , ’ she snapped then got to her feet and strode to the door .
22 Laying down her coffee mug with a decisive thud , she got to her feet and strode with her usual long-legged grace to the dining-room .
23 She had been danced off her feet and had loved every second of it .
24 The woman stood there with the bags at her feet and said out loud , to no one , not to O , not to the child , not to the singer , just stood there and threw her head back and stood there , framed against the blue sky and green hills of France , with the train leaving now , she screamed out loud , over and over , oh fuck , fuck , fuck , fuck , fuck .
25 Now she got to her feet and said : ‘ I 'll get back to my cottage .
26 And , reaching for his clothes , he pulled her to her feet and said , ‘ Come with me . ’
27 Swinging long jeans-clad legs out , she got to her feet and slammed the car door .
28 He seized the hall in his teeth , brought it back to his mistress , dropped it at her feet and waited expectantly .
29 Vi jumped to her feet and followed him to the door of the church , wincing in the sweet , cold air .
30 The lecture ended on a humorous note and , as the laughter and applause died away , Sophie Ferguson rose to her feet and followed her veterinary colleagues towards the door .
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