Example sentences of "so [adv] associated [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After being so intimately associated with Christ and hearing his parables of the Kingdom and private commentary interpreting those stories , his disciples still expected the Kingdom to come in the material and nationalistic terms of the Old Testament ( Acts 1:6 ) .
2 Similarly , a blouse which is purchased from a shop as an alienable commodity may then become so intimately associated with a particular individual that it may not even be borrowed by a sibling , After some time , however , the object may lose this close association , becoming , as jumble , an alienable commodity once again .
3 For one corporeal hereditament to fall within the curtilage of another the former must be so intimately associated with the latter as to lead to the conclusion that the former in truth forms part and parcel of the latter ( Methuen-Campbell v Walters ) .
4 Poor health itself , so much associated with old age , is affected by lack of money for nourishing food , warm houses and holidays .
5 Pope has commented that it is hard not to detect in Ælfric 's statement in Wyrdwriteras that we sceolon secan æt Gode sylfum urne ræd mid anrædum mode ( we should seek our counsel from God himself with unanimous spirit ) " an allusion to the unræd so unhappily associated with Ethelred " .
6 Not all religious sites were so openly associated with water , however , despite its popularity in Celtic theology , but caution is necessary when trying to identify religion as the primary function for a settlement 's foundation and continued existence , as so many small towns possessed at least one temple .
7 The Pennsylvania Central built a holiday pavilion with a high cupola at Cape May , New Jersey , while half-timbering , so often associated with holiday architecture , was the dominant feature of the Southern 's Asheville resort in North Carolina .
8 Moreover , this enforced withdrawal from social integration can quickly cause the kind of demoralization so often associated with old age .
9 She was both friendly and intelligent with none of the vanity so often associated with beautiful women .
10 The result is a very friendly room without the formality so often associated with many dining areas .
11 The first is that despite what was said earlier about the unique nature of art-objects , the stance of being suggests why the arts are so frequently associated with the human , and are therefore regarded as central to the ‘ humanities ’ .
12 Because of these perceptions , many of the sources of confidence so completely associated with the monarchy — from its role in European affairs to its architecture — came to an end when Mary reigned ; it was left to others to give a lead .
13 The phenomenon of certain mundane objects becoming so firmly associated with an individual that they are understood as literal extensions of that individual 's being was discussed in some detail by Levy-Bruhl ( 1966 : 100–27 ) .
14 Though always happy at Saint Cloud , the Emperor had a weakness for the great palace of Fontainebleau , perhaps because of its associations with Napoleon I. Because of the magnificence of the palace it was impossible to live a quiet family life and so June was a month of great social activity , a sort of informal summer Court , at which was to be found the glittering society so indelibly associated with the regime .
15 Beautifully played by Gidon Kremer , it would have been all the more welcome if , being the sort of work which does n't invite applause , it had n't been so closely associated with Offertorium as to seem to merge into it .
16 Beautifully played by Gidon Kremer , it would have been all the more welcome if , being the sort of work which does n't invite applause , it had n't been so closely associated with Offertorium as to seem to merge into it .
17 The early wool trade is so closely associated with the spinning galleries and those who lived in the farmhouses and cottages that a short explanation of the methods of production may be helpful in understanding the way of life of the producers .
18 Furthermore , they were less inclined to state their position on conservation , a notoriously difficult subject to argue in Orkney where farmers are suspicious of attempts to limit their activities and where conservation is so closely associated with Orkney 's resident population of English romantics .
19 Perhaps part of the fascination of movies has always been that they trigger off so many memories but what is interesting about so much film-making in the 1920s is that movies are so closely associated with that age of the masses that had come at the end of one century and the beginning of another .
20 Economic information is not normally capable of being tested in the same way , but is still fairly reliable as the economy is so closely associated with material evidence .
21 A member of a board , although not affected by one of the statutory disqualifications above mentioned , may be so closely associated with the subject-matter of the proceedings as to make it improper that he should act and vote as a member of the board in connection with them .
22 Modern choral forms tend to avoid idioms so closely associated with past epochs , and ideally each piece should have its own particular form , which is a compromise between the form of the words and the needs of the music .
23 For example , fugato is so closely associated with the old oratorio style that it would be difficult to use this contrapuntal technique at all without evoking such an atmosphere .
24 In a town with a name so closely associated with horses , Clair hopes her idea will turn out to be a winner .
25 It was no accident that Nietzsche 's move to Leipzig , implying the decision to specialize in classics , was followed by an overnight conversion to Schopenhauer ; and no accident , again , that his final acceptance of a classical career should have been so closely associated in time with his commitment , after so many years of desultory acquaintance , to Wagner .
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