Example sentences of "can either [vb infin] to " in BNC.

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1 That 's what I says to her , like on Friday when you come in by the time we 've got yo got you summat to eat and a bath and your petrol and everything ready for the next week filled your car up , that we could call in then but like if we have Saturday night you can either go to bed , sleep on floor or do virtually what you want cos you do n't have to go on Sunday if you do n't want .
2 Communications , I said well you can either go to them or you can got to , we 'll do it for ya , so it 's really up to you , he says well who 's the cheapest ?
3 The other emerging trend is to provide PC-based systems which can either contribute to or make actual use of the documents produced on the main system .
4 If a detective approaches someone and says ‘ all your activities of the last week are consistent with the interpretation that you are planning to rob a post office ’ then , when the person replies , ‘ but as a matter of fact , I just am shopping there and no more , and that 's that ’ , one can either refer to intentionality or some such notion and allow the appeal or , with the detective , one can continue to keep one 's eye open .
5 However , as Fillmore ( 1975 ) notes , these have two kinds of referent : they can either refer to the entire span itself , as in ( 56 ) , or to a point within the relevant span , as in ( 57 ) : ( 56 ) Tomorrow is Wednesday ( 57 ) Dennis hit Murphy with a baseball bat yesterday Note that the deictic words yesterday , today and tomorrow pre-empt the calendrical or absolute ways of referring to the relevant days .
6 Applicants can either write to the Registrar giving as much essential detail about the scheme as possible ; or alternatively can request a trace application form ( PR4 ) to complete .
7 They can either respond to a rise in the level of InsP 3 , or they can release their calcium in the presence of a constant level of InsP 3 through a process of CICR .
8 Such sons can either succumb to being the passive agent of their mothers ' neurotic ambitions or can try to rebel , often in a manner which seeks to be both a proof of the son 's independent masculinity and a revolt against the awesome maternal authority .
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