Example sentences of "can be define as " in BNC.

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31 The problem drinker in our society can be defined as any person who experiences social , psychological or physical problems as a consequence of his or her own repeated drinking , and services should not only be aimed at the individuals themselves but also at family members who suffer as a result of someone else 's drinking .
32 a ) Culture and its impact : culture can be defined as distinctive patterns of behaviour which result from basic beliefs and traditions .
33 The Marketing Mix can be defined as the combination of detailed strategies ; tactics ; operational policies , programmes , techniques and activities , to which resources may be allocated such that the company 's marketing objectives are achieved .
34 It can be defined as a lack of bus stations .
35 Pluralism can be defined as a system of interest representation in which the constituent units are organised into an unspecified number of multiple , voluntary , competitive , nonhierarchically ordered and self-determined ( as to type or scope of interest ) categories which are not specially licensed , recognised , subsidised , created or otherwise controlled in leadership selection or interest articulation by the state and which do not exercise a monopoly of representational activity within their respective categories .
36 Corporatism can be defined as a system of interest representation in which the constituent units are organised into a limited number of singular , compulsory , noncompetitive , hierarchically ordered and functionally differentiated categories , recognised or licensed ( if not created ) by the state and granted a deliberate representational monopoly within their respective categories in exchange for observing certain controls on their selection of leaders and articulation of demands and supports .
37 Leadership can be defined as ‘ a dynamic process in a group whereby one individual influences the others to contribute voluntarily to the achievement of group tasks in a given situation . ’
38 Market segmentation , therefore , can be defined as the subdivision of a market into identifiable buyer-groups , or submarkets , with the aim of reaching such groups with a particular marketing mix .
39 Modernism then can be defined as the absence of externally imposed order on aesthetic practices .
40 We have previously the equation Now the internal energy U can be defined as where e is the internal energy density and T the kinetic energy is
41 All units , whether college or centrally developed , should contain a broad statement of the area covered by the unit , the preferred entry level , a statement of the competences required , ( a competence can be defined as the ability to perform tasks in employment ) and the criteria by which competence can be assessed .
42 7.2 Reviewing can be defined as the process of analysing personal/group experience in order to learn from it more effectively .
43 Creep can be defined as a progressive increase in strain , observed over an extended time period , in a polymer subjected to a constant stress .
44 A SCHEDULE or a PLAN are concepts which can be defined as entities .
45 In many cases , things that can be defined as entities could also be defined as attributes , and vice versa .
46 Thus a set type can be defined as a named relationship between record types .
47 A basilican church , like these early Christian ones , can be defined as one having the following features :
48 A baseline can be defined as a known and agreed set of modules from which progress to another stage can be made .
49 Weathering can be defined as the adjustment of the chemical , mineralogical and physical properties of rocks in response to environmental conditions prevailing at the Earth 's surface .
50 It is only when the frequency and magnitude of each behaviour is sufficiently marked and sufficiently prolonged to impede the child himself in his daily life or cause distress to his family or community that it can be defined as disorder ( Rutter et al. , 1970 ) .
51 Evidence can be defined as information which establishes or disproves a fact or a point in question .
52 A minimal narrative can be defined as a sequence of two clauses which are temporally ordered : that is , a change in their order will result in a change in the temporal sequence of the original semantic interpretation ( Labov 1972 : 359 – 60 ) .
53 And just to remind you the open the open state probability can be defined as the time that the channel spends in its in the open state divided by the total time of the recording .
54 Notice that k is the reciprocal of the income velocity of circulation of money ( which can be defined as the average number of times the money supply changes hands in financing the national income ) .
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