Example sentences of "can [not/n't] [be] achieved " in BNC.

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1 Practice has shown that social justice can not be achieved where the free market is idolised .
2 Yet we suffer ever-growing road congestion , the amelioration of which most thinking people now agree can not be achieved merely by building more roads .
3 Political balance can not be achieved by criticizing one party during the mid-term of a parliament and another at election time .
4 However subjective the ‘ standard of living adequate for health and wellbeing ’ , it obviously can not be achieved if population is outstripping subsistence .
5 Reversing this trend , if it is to be reversed , can not be achieved by a new minimalism .
6 There is no good evidence to indicate that these processes can not be achieved by the body equally well at any time of the day or night .
7 But , since monetary policy is now geared to the exchange rate , that 5% can not be achieved by manipulating interest rates .
8 Neurophysiologically , however , the ability to recognize that a particular pattern exists over a sizeable region of the retina can not be achieved by the primary visual cortex , where neural connections are only local .
9 Liberal Democrats know that this can not be achieved without fundamental reform .
10 Efforts to improve the efficiency have included the introduction of disinfectants into the steam but this has proved extremely wasteful and the effect offers little that can not be achieved by cleaning with hot high pressure water jets and the separate spray application of a suitable disinfectant .
11 Underlying this argument there may well be a different one , namely , that there is a need for a more progressive tax structure , and that this can not be achieved without a greater emphasis on direct taxation .
12 This can not be achieved if you constantly chatter and move about .
13 This humble record — the date stamp — should not be undervalued , since a loan history on the book may be correlated during the weeding process with other factors ( physical condition , the content of other shelf stock ) in a way that can not be achieved through automated systems .
14 This can not be achieved by existing military contractors moving into civilian markets for which they have few skills , but by giving the market-oriented companies more access to ‘ front-line ’ technology .
15 This lacks the boldness of the Dutch approaches that date from the same period , so that fundamental changes in the function of the road surface and attitudes towards its use can not be achieved .
16 Eroticism is open to feminist intervention , but change can not be achieved easily where the unconscious is concerned .
17 Such an effect , which Lumsden and I have called the ‘ pure cultural transmission ’ of culture , can not be achieved merely by removing genetic constraints on cognition and learning .
18 This can not be achieved through a structured interview or a questionnaire .
19 Such an alternative formulation can not be achieved without an examination of the various concrete practices of people doing jobs .
20 Today it seems to evince a growing recognition that totalization can not be achieved without a movement involving the transcendence of itself .
21 Focusing on effectiveness and outcomes as a basis for decisions on rationing is a desirable aim that can not be achieved at present when so much of health care is unevaluated .
22 This can not be done by the person alone , because help is needed in overcoming the amnesias and the emotional repressions , and this can not be achieved by introspection .
23 Other people need to be excited by new approaches and this can not be achieved by a dull and formal memorandum .
24 If an application is declared admissible , and a friendly settlement can not be achieved , the subsequent decisions of the Court are binding on the United Kingdom .
25 This is not to say that adequate recognition can not be achieved without understanding , but rather an appreciation of the processes involved in understanding may facilitate the design of more efficient recognition algorithms and systems .
26 So long as there is a need for collective decision-making and for policies which give direction to a whole community or society , and so long as or whenever unanimity can not be achieved , it is hard to see what alternative there can be to the minority being compelled to go along with the decision of the majority .
27 However , if each enterprise is a different company , each company being in itself a separate and distinct legal entity and thus taxed separately , the balancing of profit and loss between the enterprises so as to minimize overall tax liability can not be achieved .
28 And certainly reconciliation can not be achieved by the unattractive solution of varying the meaning of ‘ appropriation ’ in different provisions of the Act of 1968 .
29 Militant believes that basic reforms in society can not be achieved without victory in the class struggle .
30 However , it must be recognised that a comprehensive and accurate empirically based resource allocation formula can not be achieved .
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