Example sentences of "can [be] compared to " in BNC.

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1 Salim 's flight to whatever is to become of him can be compared to the movement of these flowers , and to the Romeward journey in Virgil .
2 ‘ I do n't think what is happening in Panama can be compared to a raid to rescue hostages , ’ says Prof Gutteridge .
3 Paul Coggins , a Dallas criminal lawyer who represents Mr McBirney , complains that the trials can be compared to drug-dealing trials in the 1960s when winning a conviction was as easy as dropping the dope on the courtroom table , .
4 I 'm not sure the safety advances we have seen recently can be compared to the quantum improvements that came , say , when continuous brakes were first built into trains or when inter-locking signals and points were first introduced . ’
5 The size of the subscription of the first volume , if not that of the second , can be compared to another effort undertaken by the Blencowe family early in the next century .
6 Since the poem treats the harvest feast as the focus of a traditional way of life threatened by a landowner , it can be compared to passages from Duck and Bloomfield which , though separated by seventy years , approach conflicts in agriculture through similar imagery .
7 The only Roman historian who can be compared to Thucydides is Tacitus ( c .
8 Dr Cunningham 's views can be compared to those of Simon Hughes , delivering a swansong on behalf of the Liberal Party .
9 He said : ‘ There is not one club in Britain that can be compared to this one — the trouble is people in England just do n't realise that .
10 His approach can be compared to that of a saint who risks everything when he bares his breast to the unknown .
11 In this respect the relationship between society and religion can be compared to that between families and the homes they live in .
12 As capital of the avant-garde art scene in Europe , Cologne can be compared to the mouse that roared .
13 If the super-organism created by a colony of termites can be compared to an antelope , then the disciplined aggressive columns of the army ants must be reckoned to be the insect equivalent of a beast of prey .
14 This theoretical position can be compared to the ethnomethodological account of social rules ( e.g. Coulter , 1983 ; Garfunkel , 1967 ; Wieder , 1971 ) .
15 ( The position can be compared to that in 404 , when the Spartans hoped to make Attica , this time , a docile satellite , Xen .
16 Of these , 1 ( referring to the record by its key ) can be compared to ISAM in operation , so the similarities and differences are examined here .
17 The backswing can be compared to chopping down a tree with and axe ; power and speed come from the distance the axe is swung back .
18 It can be compared to the scales which a singer or player of a musical instrument must sing or play over and over again until certain movements become automatic habits .
19 This signal can be compared to the signals being produced by the phase sequence generator as a check that the motor is operating correctly .
20 Reports about performance will be produced regularly so that results can be compared to the targets set , and the facilities of the database are also likely to be made available to managers with the help of a query language .
21 The role of President can be compared to that of Chariman of the Board .
22 These can be compared to the original volume to calculate the percentage of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air .
23 Attention decrement can be compared to the order effect in cases where subjects ‘ hold on ’ to initial words and do n't pay attention to later words — ; ‘ tended to remember first 3 adjectives better than last 3 ’ .
24 Total Quality Management is based on the premise that a failure to deliver a product or service can be compared to a virus which attacks , grows and spreads with devastating effect .
25 The relative abundance of dissolved constituents released through weathering reactions into surface waters can be compared to their relative abundance in the bedrock in order to provide information on the types of chemical reactions that are occurring .
26 Its impact can be compared to the way in which the Tories in Scotland managed to turn a predicted disaster into an additional two seats at the last UK elections .
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