Example sentences of "can [adv] entirely [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 The beauty of these words can not entirely hide a sense of suggested differentness , of an essential something so far held back but pushing now to get out .
2 States can not entirely depend on such measures , however , and must make provision for their own defence .
3 You can not entirely make light of such demonstrations .
4 Plainly Henry Ward Beecher , the great New York preacher of puritanism , should either have avoided having tumultuous extra-marital love-affairs or chosen a career which did not require him to be quite such a prominent advocate of sexual restraint ; though one can not entirely fail to sympathise with the bad luck which linked him in the mid-1870s with the beautiful feminist and advocate of free love , Victoria Woodhull , a lady whose convictions made privacy difficult .
5 ‘ I may have told Mrs Quatt that my position demands that I remain impartial , but one can not entirely prevent oneself from having human feelings and preferences ! ’
6 Even the most experienced police interrogator can not entirely avoid leading questions , simply because he can not know what the witness actually knows or what really happened .
7 While this agreement is not altogether surprising — feminists can not entirely avoid fighting on already established ground , and the cultural importance of sex difference is deeply entrenched — its consequences have sometimes been regrettable .
8 If you retain real career ambitions , this is a harsh truth which you can not entirely ignore , even if in the end you decide that you must not abandon your legal rights of redress .
9 This chapter has argued that just as the study of style can not entirely rely on quantitative data , neither can it ultimately do without them .
10 The ceremonies and festivities attending the coronation of French kings at Reims did much to enhance the popularity and reputation of the wines of Champagne — though they can not entirely have pleased the populace of Reims , who had to meet the expense of such occasions .
11 Yet there is a danger here in over-gilding the memory of Attlee 's Whitehall — a danger that even familiarity with the formerly secret record of his government can not entirely eradicate .
12 Indeed , it can sometimes be used as a board substitute but can not entirely replace it .
13 They have taken great pains to eliminate explanations based on freak signals from side walls , or from inanimate objects ( although we can not entirely discount such hypotheses until we have specifically investigated them ) .
14 It may be true that the life we destroy is in the main of the lower orders or minute forms , but it is none the less destruction of life for all that , and since ahi sā involves doing no injury to any form of life , it follows that no matter how careful and compassionate and self-restrained a person may be he can not entirely escape committing hi sā .
15 The overall impression of similarity can not entirely mask significant differences between these districts .
16 You can never entirely eliminate human error and oversight , but this gimmick of marking replies to searches , etc , minimises the possibility of your forgetting to pass on to your client vital information that might give time to consider whether or not to proceed with the purchase , such as the fact that redevelopment of the area within the next ten years is contemplated .
17 Most will tell you that you can never entirely trust a ‘ tame ’ leopard and some have the scars to prove it .
18 But she can never entirely master a human soul — not unless you consent to it !
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