Example sentences of "as if she 'd " in BNC.

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1 as if she 'd been wearing a coat of many many colours , and , beached on the desert island shore of Pity Me , had shredded the damn shrunken thing .
2 So when her son married and his wife had a baby girl she felt as if she 'd regained the daughter she 'd lost .
3 Charlie was dead keen on Lilian doing him credit and she always did , always looked as if she 'd just stepped out of a bandbox .
4 She put her hand in her pocket as if she 'd suddenly remembered something .
5 Zambia felt as if SHe 'd been punched in the gut .
6 She occupied a tiny apartment hidden away beneath Betty 's house , and she had a habit of materializing unexpectedly as if she 'd sprung up through a trapdoor .
7 ‘ Great minds think alike , ’ she said as if she 'd invented the aphorism .
8 They stared at her as if she 'd turned into a circus freak .
9 Then drew back quickly , as if she 'd just been burned .
10 The phrase ‘ as if she 'd lost her only friend ’ bears this out .
11 She wrote as if she 'd hated me all my life . ’
12 Whenever I saw her , she always smiled at me , It was as if she 'd got me confused with someone else , someone important Once I had half an hour to wait for a transport .
13 His hands slid from her breasts as if she 'd been greased .
14 It looked as if she 'd been up in the loft for something , which I suppose was rather rash in her state of health .
15 She leaned on Craig 's shoulder as if she 'd known him all her life .
16 This might sound , to Albert , as if she 'd been looking for him .
17 She was smiling , she knew ; oh , this was the opposite of " her look " , when she felt like this , as if she 'd drunk an extra-fine distilled essence of danger , and could have stepped out among the stars or run thirty miles .
18 Ruth seemed to lose her breath , as if she 'd been punched .
19 Oh no , she thought — as if she 'd known all along this was what would happen .
20 She wore a large white straw hat and looked as if she 'd just been to church .
21 Elaine was chattering to the chap with the soulful face as if she 'd never forgotten how to talk .
22 I found her bustling about with a feather duster looking as if she 'd been up for hours .
23 She asked , ‘ What was that ? ’ as if she 'd just failed to catch some remark that Luke had made .
24 She looked small , frail , and feeble ; her face was dazed and vacant , as if she 'd just been woken up and could n't quite remember where she was .
25 Her bottom stung as if she 'd sat on a nest of hornets , but she wanted to show them she 'd survived .
26 A second , searing stroke made her gasp for breath , as fire exploded in her backside as if she 'd been hit by a ball of lightning .
27 Ace felt as if she 'd been struck .
28 Here she felt lonely and depressed , as it seemed as if she 'd made no progress and was back in the same vicious circle again .
29 She appeared to have been holding a makeshift icepack to the side of her head and a couple of the cubes had skidded out of reach and begun to melt , almost as if she 'd been in too much of a hurry to stretch over for them .
30 She was feeling as if she 'd made a long , exhausting hike instead of just the kilometre or so that she 'd actually walked , but it was n't a bad feeling .
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