Example sentences of "will expect [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 and erm therefore this year er there is a case for saying we shall start to accrue some of the backlog er to the extent , but only to the extent we will expected to be paid shortly thereafterwards .
2 The Newmarket trainer runs Top Class in the Longchamp spectacular and the faithful backing Brittain will expect to be laughing all the way to the bank as they help themselves to the generous 40-1 on offer .
3 They may not all want to leave the Soviet Union ( indeed , whatever shape it takes in the future , Mr Yeltsin 's Russia will expect to be leader of the pack ) , but neither do the union 's supporters want to hand back the new economic and political freedoms that they have won .
4 If a man perceives a necklace placed about his neck to be a noose , then he will expect to be hanged .
5 Because a Woonerf will not be created unless its residents want it , they too will expect to be involved in the planning , whilst there are additional complications of assuaging the fears of commercial interests such as shopkeepers .
6 If the roof blows off such a lavatory , of course one will expect to be annoyed .
7 The Chancellor of the Exchequer will expect to be a member of the Cabinet Committee considering important legislation in any field , including criminal justice , although if at a particular meeting the main Treasury interest lies in resource costs the Chief Secretary to the Treasury might go in his place .
8 They will expect to be dealt a perfect bridge hand from time to time , and will scarcely trouble to write home about it when it happens .
9 Speaking today , the Chair of the Property and Commercial Services Committee , Paul Marsh , said ; ‘ Probate practitioners will expect to be appointed to wind up estates .
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