Example sentences of "would find [pron] in " in BNC.

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1 if we suppose a traveller to set out from Venice on March 1 , 1245 , the first day of the Venetian year , he would find himself in 1244 when he reached Florence ; and if after a short stay he went on to Pisa , the year 1246 would already have begun there .
2 The visitor to Rydal Mount , after bumping into a boulder with the following inscription : would find himself in a conventional household , where the master read morning and evening prayers to the assembled family and servants .
3 If he was n't careful he would find himself in the dungeon — or dead .
4 Newspaper stories told how innocent women strolling the streets of foreign countries would ignore the feeling of a slight pin prick in the arm and next minute would find themselves in brothels .
5 Unfortunately , the Cane Toad does n't warrant inclusion , because anybody who scrapes the skin off the toad would find themselves in possession of a substance called Bufotenine , which happens to be listed as a Class A drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 .
6 In short , women claimants would find themselves in a system that assumes they are alienated workers rather than — as the present system assumes — scrounging mistresses or ‘ walking wombs ’ .
7 Because of this factor it is relatively expensive and little seen , and only of use to regular , frequent business users who would find themselves in difficulties without the transportation .
8 Certainly in the case of the first of those conditions the present appellants would find themselves in considerable difficulty .
9 Certainly , it was at one time essential for certain musical movements to be of a precise length , for otherwise the dancers of gavottes and minuets would find themselves in sorry confusion .
10 You might walk down sombre corridors and gaze upon dim , seldom-used halls , and you might run your hand across the scarred surfaces of the old walls , and then , without the least warning , you would find yourself in a sun-drenched quadrangle , or a courtyard where gentians grew or mountain ash flared .
11 Whenever she was not working in the house or on the vegetable patch , Endill would find her in the rickety old shed beside the wall he sometimes climbed to hunt for nests in the trees above .
12 I doubted that I would find one in time .
13 Each morning he would rise and make the fire to warm the house and , when the rest of the family came downstairs , we would find him in his armchair , elbows propped on spread knees and braces straining against vested shoulders as they heaved with suppressed coughing .
14 Furthermore , as soon as he did turn up , Maradona unwisely told the expectant press corps that he thought the World Cup draw had been fixed so that Italy would find itself in an easy group .
15 Then her face cleared ; when she had leaned across to kiss Richard she must have nudged it off , and no doubt she would find it in her car when he brought it back in the morning .
16 If he thought of a spacecraft , for example , then Gedanken would find herself in a spacecraft !
17 She felt his hands on her shoulders , and knew that any minute now the grip would tighten , and she would find herself in his arms .
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