Example sentences of "what be widely [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 As a result , the waste is in danger of continuing to be stored in what are widely regarded as inadequate facilities .
2 It will be argued that such factors may have had considerable influence on what are widely believed to have been exclusively ‘ political ’ decisions .
3 Reporters in Vilnius noted meanwhile that the Lithuanian population remained calm and apparently unperturbed by what were widely regarded as Soviet provocations : a pro-independence rally on April 7 organized by Sajudis drew a crowd of up to 300,000 people .
4 These rather unusual troops figured prominently in later engagements , sometimes being hurled against the Iraqis in what were widely described as ‘ human waves ’ , recalling reports of the technique employed by the Chinese in the Korean war , in a bid to sweep away the Iraqis by sheer fervour and weight of numbers .
5 The workforce at France 's most successful car manufacturer has rejected an earlier management offer of a 1.5 per cent pay rise and , in the face of what is widely seen here as management intransigence , the government reluctantly got involved in the private sector dispute yesterday evening , announcing that it would appoint an official conciliator .
6 What we seek is school management which more fully reflects this diversity of opinion , rather than what is widely seen as the inflexible dogma of the current approach .
7 The words probably , likely and unlikely litter the text , even when I am talking about what is widely regarded as fact .
8 THE world of public relations has plenty of detractors but Michael Murphy , the founder and chairman of PR Consultants Scotland , has managed both to make himself wealthy and to run what is widely regarded as Scotland 's most professional home-grown consultancy , as well as its largest .
9 There , 50 or so textile mills produce what is widely acknowledged to be the finest wool cloth in the world .
10 At Marlborough College , where he runs what is widely recognised as the best art department at any school in Britain , his students have repeatedly achieved the highest A-grade results in the country .
11 We are lucky in this country that we have some of the better zoos , and indeed host what is widely recognised as the best , Jersey .
12 In the past it has taken great efforts by the Merseyside and Greater Manchester police to keep supporters apart in what is widely thought to be the most intense antagonism in the League .
13 Laurel , in effect , made two contributions to the partnership : as Hardy was quick to concede , Laurel was the creator and rigorous controller of their comedy , as well as a member of what was widely recognized as the best comic double act of its time .
14 As Spaniards came face to face with their country 's impotence , backwardness and inescapably second-class status , there arose a confused chorus of demands for the ‘ regeneration ’ of what was widely seen as a ‘ decadent ’ nation .
15 In May 1870 St Petersburg cotton spinners staged what was widely seen as Russia 's first fully fledged strike : within days a report was on the desk of the Tsar himself .
16 Subsequently , Matiba 's wife and daughter were attacked on June 14 at their home in what was widely seen as an attempt to intimidate
17 In what was widely seen as an attempt to give its efforts to improve relations with other countries greater domestic and international credibility , the Albanian government hosted a visit to Tirana by the Secretary-General of the United Nations , Javier Pérez de Cuéllar , on May 11-13 , when held talks with Alia and other senior officials and also visited other parts of the country .
18 In what was widely seen as a veiled attack on the French government , the Moroccan authorities blamed the disturbances on " a conspiracy of foreign countries " .
19 In what was widely seen as an attempt to draw Israel into the conflict , Iraq had launched a number of missile attacks on Tel Aviv and Haifa [ see pp. 37936-37 ; 37984 ] .
20 In what was widely seen as an attempt to exact vengeance on Clinton , Nichols had issued a federal lawsuit which claimed that the Governor had had extra-marital affairs with at least five women , and that he had misused official funds in entertaining them .
21 The parties of the centre-right coalition suffered substantial losses in nationwide local elections on Oct. 18 in what was widely seen as the voters ' initial verdict on the austerity measures .
22 Public outcry over what was widely seen as an attempt to intervene in the judicial process , however , caused the party to withdraw this threat almost immediately .
23 The first step in the modernization of TDC was to appoint someone to improve what was widely acknowledged to be an unacceptable situation .
24 Prior to announcing his candidacy Bush had on Feb. 6 unveiled a health care package which was designed to overhaul the US health system and to win back the initiative on what was widely perceived to be an important electoral issue .
25 Shaikh Saad urged Kuwaitis to overcome their political differences and promised , in what was widely believed to be a reference to the restoration of the 1962 constitution , that " the people of Kuwait can only be rewarded for their trust and loyalty by further trust " .
26 Abe was a prominent candidate for the leadership in October 1987 , but eventually withdrew in favour of Noboru Takeshita , in what was widely believed to have been an agreement that he would succeed Takeshita after his two-year term .
27 In what was widely regarded as the most significant foreign policy decision since 1945 , the Riksdag vote was 198 to 105 with 26 abstentions .
28 In what was widely regarded as a politically motivated action Kitangan was arrested in January 1991 and charged with corruption .
29 In what was widely regarded as a defiant challenge to President Mobutu Sese Seko , on Aug. 15 delegates to the national conference elected as Prime Minister Etienne Tshisekedi , leader of the opposition Democratic Union for Social Progress ( UDPS ) .
30 The four Cambodian factions represented on the all-party Supreme National Council ( SNC ) had met in Beijing , the Chinese capital , on Nov. 7-8 in what was widely regarded as a last-ditch attempt to save the UN plan from virtual collapse .
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