Example sentences of "what have happened to " in BNC.

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1 They will be wondering what has happened to you .
2 I thought , what has happened to me !
3 Countless people are appalled by what has happened to their capital city , but feel totally powerless to do anything about it .
4 Here is what has happened to me .
5 One line shows what has happened to personal wealth divided by personal income : if wealth merely rose in line with incomes ( which would be represented by a flat wealth line on the graph ) , the theory would suggest that it would not have any independent influence on savings .
6 They were things that you took to enhance your experience and to make it more intense — to make your personal development became part of your life , It was a very high-minded approach and when one looks at what has happened to the drug scene today and one looks back to the prevailing attitudes at the time , one can see the absolute , total abhorrence among drug takers that I knew in those days of amphetamines , heroin , barbiturates , mandrax — all those things that had an adverse physical effect which were considered to by highly dangerous to one 's personal development and to one 's daily living .
7 A figure of that sort , roughly twice the value of East Germany 's 1986 exports and imports combined , is bound to cause incredulity , but even if the figure were halved , it would still be a remarkable indication of what has happened to a country which in the first half of the 1980s claimed to have established itself among the top ten industrial nations .
8 What has happened to Angela , then ? ’
9 Which is , given what has happened to accountants and bankers , a fairly frightening thought .
10 Perhaps Labour 's leadership could explain what has happened to the SDLP since 1981 to make it capable of bringing Catholic and Protestant workers together .
11 Most people when they 've experienced a burglary will spend some time , perhaps minutes , perhaps hours , trying to absorb what has happened to them .
12 Two thoughts immediately flow from this preliminary verse to those unfamiliar with these texts : ( 1 ) so they believe in some form of ghosts then do they ? and ( 2 ) but he did n't believe in God so what has happened to my husband ?
13 Bereaved people trying to make sense of what has happened to them often find that one of the most difficult things is to discover that they ‘ can not think straight ’ and when they do their thoughts are often so disturbing and frightening that they feel they 've ‘ gone mad ’ .
14 What has happened to your firm and the rest of the Big Six , that they should be training accountants and then turning them away ?
15 The movie , made in 1988 , is a good pointer to what has happened to Allen : the targets he once pricked with flip but divine one-liners — the shrinks , the Life / Death / Weltschmerz question — are no longer a laughing matter as America 's greatest contemporary wit approaches the mid-September of his days .
16 The daunting confines of the Crucible Theatre have been known to make strong men tremble over the simplest of pots , but after what has happened to the unassuming Thai in recent weeks , it will be a shock of seismic proportions if the occasion affects him — even on his debut .
17 He knows what has happened to his land .
18 For Caroline Spry , what has happened to the women 's film and video sector must be seen in the context of the dissipation of the broader women 's movement .
19 I may now have an inkling of what has happened to me over the last few years ; I may have lined up a few suspects , even tentatively put my finger on ‘ who done it ’ ; I may have my own private detectives working alongside the regular police , and we may have made an arrest or two , but the file has not been closed .
20 What has happened to the farm land ?
21 The present Dean of Emmanuel College Cambridge , Revd Don Cupitt , concluded in his Sea of Faith TV series ( and book ) that these two thinkers must represent what has happened to religious thinking in the last 100 years .
22 What has happened to ‘ Watch with Mother ’ ?
23 ‘ You see , dear boy , what you have stumbled upon are classic cases of what has happened to me .
24 Ironically , it has been one of the board 's own employees , Dr Ross Hesketh , who has been questioning many of the rather bland assurances on what has happened to British plutonium from the civil programme .
25 That is what has happened to your grandma .
26 The reason for this is that inflationary expectations are revised according to what has happened to inflation in the past .
27 ‘ Are you suggesting there is any connection between the Soviet space shot and what has happened to Titron ? ’
28 ‘ No , it is a very pertinent question , particularly in the light of what has happened to Mr Lomax .
29 What has happened to my palace ?
30 Many of them so often quite rightly describe what has happened to them as a deep wound resulting from the blow they have received .
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