Example sentences of "what she 'd [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 He also told her about what she 'd done to his balls .
2 He did n't blame her for what she 'd done half as much as she blamed herself .
3 Then she thought of Miss Clinton , and of her daddy and his white face as he ran to the car to chase Miss Clinton — and of poor Aunt Nellie and her scared eyes when she realised what she 'd done .
4 Looking down on him Jess was astonished and appalled at what she 'd done .
5 He knew what she 'd done .
6 Daisy blew her nose on her red-checked table napkin , then realized what she 'd done .
7 Then of course the girl said what she 'd done and they fetched the skull back and had no trouble after …
8 That she 'd done what she 'd done — made this Will , that is — not to spite him but because it seemed the right thing .
9 Had he seen what she 'd done ?
10 She lied to me , though , when I asked at about the age of eight what she 'd done : she said she 'd worked in an office , done clerical work .
11 But then , he did n't know what she 'd done for him and was going to do .
12 To talk to her you would n't believe what she 'd done .
13 He looked at Alina , wanting to ask her what she 'd done ; but she was standing just out of his reach , and watching him with something that looked like compassion .
14 Your colleague ? ’ said Pamella , bemused , trying to remember who Stuart White was , and then , when it came back to her who Stuart White was , and what he 'd given her ( £500 ) and what she 'd done ( which was n't much ) and what he 'd done ( which she does n't remember being precisely , exactly , what he later said that he 'd done ) she very rapidly saw what they meant , screamed , shut the door and hit the phone .
15 In the dark , panic-stricken by what she 'd done , she ran down the wrong passage , towards the sea instead of towards the land , slipped and fell to her death on the rocks below . ’
16 ‘ It must have been a shock , realising that she too was accountable for what she 'd done . ’
17 ‘ I 'm sorry , ’ she said , appalled at what she 'd done .
18 and then laughed at what she 'd done .
19 In spite of what she 'd done — even when she was dead — he went on loving her — the blind , stupid fool . ’
20 He was inconsolable when he found what she 'd done .
21 For that was precisely what she 'd done .
22 Before she had time to think , she 'd raised her own glass in response and it was only after she 'd sipped her drink that she realised what she 'd done .
23 Was that what she 'd done ?
24 Leonora stared at him blankly as he went into the kitchen , wondering what she 'd done to incur his displeasure again .
25 Oh as they come out to Asda they said they found her bag and they give her our Pam 's phone number and rung up and thanked our she said there 's full of stuff money and all in there and thanked her for what she 'd done and our Pam said fair enough I would you know
26 Yeah , phoned Jeannette the other day to see what she 'd done about college now .
27 So this woman she was lost , not because of what she 'd done , but because , simply , she had never ever been found , and Jesus had come to find her , he had come to rescue her , he had come to save her .
28 what she 'd collected by saying that she has n't really gone to any
29 Still stunned by what she 'd overheard , she walked blindly from the room and through the ward to the visitors ’ room .
30 Tomorrow , once her mother was over the small operation , she would have to think again about what she 'd overheard .
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