Example sentences of "what [vb -s] happened [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We 're helped to recognize what has happened through doing things that usually we do not do .
2 I am sure that the House will bear with me for one or two minutes while I explain what has happened on this occasion .
3 The sailor 's personal log might not only record what has happened on the journey so far , it might also speculate about what the crew should do with the merman they 've caught in their nets ; it might contain thoughts about food and the way it is stored on board ship ; it might suggest new ways of storing food .
4 This is precisely what has happened at Malham ( and though I find it visually offensive I still climb there , as do hundreds of others ) .
5 This is what has happened at the New End Hospital in Hampstead , where the developer , by adopting a conservation scheme , has gained more space than by demolition and rebuilding .
6 yeah I think what , what has happened at the moment is that he would be almost helpless because there are so many things that are wrong with the world that it seems to be because we get so much information as a
7 ‘ The players have to take a heap of responsibility for what has happened at Celtic Park , ’ he said , ‘ but the squad is also made up of footballers who want to play in the manner Liam Brady has adopted as his philosophy on the game .
8 They will be wondering what has happened to you .
9 I thought , what has happened to me !
10 Countless people are appalled by what has happened to their capital city , but feel totally powerless to do anything about it .
11 Here is what has happened to me .
12 One line shows what has happened to personal wealth divided by personal income : if wealth merely rose in line with incomes ( which would be represented by a flat wealth line on the graph ) , the theory would suggest that it would not have any independent influence on savings .
13 They were things that you took to enhance your experience and to make it more intense — to make your personal development became part of your life , It was a very high-minded approach and when one looks at what has happened to the drug scene today and one looks back to the prevailing attitudes at the time , one can see the absolute , total abhorrence among drug takers that I knew in those days of amphetamines , heroin , barbiturates , mandrax — all those things that had an adverse physical effect which were considered to by highly dangerous to one 's personal development and to one 's daily living .
14 A figure of that sort , roughly twice the value of East Germany 's 1986 exports and imports combined , is bound to cause incredulity , but even if the figure were halved , it would still be a remarkable indication of what has happened to a country which in the first half of the 1980s claimed to have established itself among the top ten industrial nations .
15 What has happened to Angela , then ? ’
16 Which is , given what has happened to accountants and bankers , a fairly frightening thought .
17 Perhaps Labour 's leadership could explain what has happened to the SDLP since 1981 to make it capable of bringing Catholic and Protestant workers together .
18 Most people when they 've experienced a burglary will spend some time , perhaps minutes , perhaps hours , trying to absorb what has happened to them .
19 Two thoughts immediately flow from this preliminary verse to those unfamiliar with these texts : ( 1 ) so they believe in some form of ghosts then do they ? and ( 2 ) but he did n't believe in God so what has happened to my husband ?
20 Bereaved people trying to make sense of what has happened to them often find that one of the most difficult things is to discover that they ‘ can not think straight ’ and when they do their thoughts are often so disturbing and frightening that they feel they 've ‘ gone mad ’ .
21 What has happened to your firm and the rest of the Big Six , that they should be training accountants and then turning them away ?
22 The movie , made in 1988 , is a good pointer to what has happened to Allen : the targets he once pricked with flip but divine one-liners — the shrinks , the Life / Death / Weltschmerz question — are no longer a laughing matter as America 's greatest contemporary wit approaches the mid-September of his days .
23 The daunting confines of the Crucible Theatre have been known to make strong men tremble over the simplest of pots , but after what has happened to the unassuming Thai in recent weeks , it will be a shock of seismic proportions if the occasion affects him — even on his debut .
24 He knows what has happened to his land .
25 For Caroline Spry , what has happened to the women 's film and video sector must be seen in the context of the dissipation of the broader women 's movement .
26 I may now have an inkling of what has happened to me over the last few years ; I may have lined up a few suspects , even tentatively put my finger on ‘ who done it ’ ; I may have my own private detectives working alongside the regular police , and we may have made an arrest or two , but the file has not been closed .
27 What has happened to the farm land ?
28 The present Dean of Emmanuel College Cambridge , Revd Don Cupitt , concluded in his Sea of Faith TV series ( and book ) that these two thinkers must represent what has happened to religious thinking in the last 100 years .
29 What has happened to ‘ Watch with Mother ’ ?
30 ‘ You see , dear boy , what you have stumbled upon are classic cases of what has happened to me .
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