Example sentences of "what [pers pn] have to say " in BNC.

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1 He replied : ‘ I wo n't need five minutes for what I have to say . ’
2 ‘ I 'll tell you , ’ she said , ‘ but first both of you will listen to what I have to say . ’
3 Will that make what I have to say easier or more difficult ?
4 ‘ Sit down on that not very comfortable stool , and listen to what I have to say regarding your future , if you choose to accept it .
5 The systems of communication of our primate ancestors presumably consisted of words and short sentences ( but what I have to say would hold even if only gestural sequences were involved ) .
6 True enough but , as I shall argue below , AI is not an experimental science but an engineering technique or , if you want something more dignified , a practical task in the alchemical tradition , and what I have to say about its suggestiveness for investigating the nature of consciousness rests entirely on that fact .
7 I 'll say what I have to say , what I know .
8 If you find that what I have to say about the specialisation is difficult , do n't worry .
9 Of these orthodoxies , the ideological ones are perhaps the easiest to explain here , and they are relevant to what I have to say later , so let us consider here a very general point about the effects of ideology — the apparent contrast between typical models of ancient language states , on the one hand , and recent language states on the other .
10 Some of what I have to say does in fact apply to literature generally , but much of it is specific to the novel , the literary form in which I am most interested , both as a literary critic and as a practising writer .
11 Kindly allow me to finish what I have to say .
12 ‘ Now , what I have to say , and remember , I 'm only an agent , I do n't speak for myself , is that this young man has great expectations . ’
13 I like to say what I have to say in as few words as possible and to lay my cards on the table for all to see .
14 ‘ I think and hope you care enough for me to listen to what I have to say ! ’ he added .
15 But what I have to say has his full approval .
16 ‘ When you hear what I have to say , you 'll understand .
17 Before we begin , however , I would like to point out that a great deal of contemporary music has been written which belies much or all of what I have to say .
18 What I mean is , that what I have to say to you , I would n't say if you had n't been one of the family .
19 ‘ I really came for a word with Miss Passmore , but if she does n't mind you hearing what I have to say … ’
20 you do not mind my taking this method of answering your letter and I hope that you , I did not put you to too much trouble to locate a recorder to listen to the tape , I am just too lazy to write it all down and think that what I have to say I can put it better in words than what I can on paper , I 'll let you do that part .
21 If it will be useful for Dr Watson to hear what I have to say , please let him stay and listen . ’
22 His Grace the King will not be pleased by what I have to say .
23 ‘ I think you want to hear what I have to say , ’ he told her .
24 ‘ I have nearly come to the end of what I have to say but there is one final complication if I may impose on your patience a little longer .
25 What I have to say , though , may not , I fear , please you . ’
26 When she hears what I have to say to her , there will be no question of her opening her lips on this subject .
27 No ; otherwise , I shall not finish what I have to say .
28 Braine ) , who represents the Police Superintendents Association , can not be present at the debate and wishes to be associated with what I have to say .
29 Well , at that point I will end what I have to say for today , and er , carry on with this next week .
30 I am saying Mr Major , as Prime Minister , if someone in my position is saying I believe , I believe , there is the best opportunity here for lasting peace , by which I mean a total cessation of violence , the least I expect is that you should listen to what I have to say .
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