Example sentences of "what [be] said [prep] " in BNC.

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1 All the appellants seek orders that , because of the Secretary of State 's failure to comply with what are said to be the requirements as I have set them out , the decisions made in relation to each of the appellants as to their respective tariffs should be quashed .
2 ‘ And what are said to be her feelings about him ? ’
3 ‘ Is it true what 's said about them two ? ’
4 I suppose he was your first lover , and we all know what 's said about a woman and her first lover .
5 Do n't make the fatal mistake of assuming other people think as logically as you do , or even hear what 's said to them .
6 Very little of what 's said in conversation is direct and meaningful .
7 It 's what 's passed around , it 's not what 's said in the music . ’
8 When consonant clues are fewer , it takes longer to translate what is said into sense , but this does not mean that one 's brain is slower !
9 As Britain 's only national pop music station at present , Radio 1 is most likely to interest aspiring rock and pop musicians , so I will explain its workings and policies in some detail ( although much of what is said about Radio 1 will also be applicable to Radio 2 ) .
10 However , when we look closely at what is said about these various gods , we find that the god chosen by ( or who chooses ) Israel is quite unlike all the others .
11 Without recognising that knowledge of this kind is in play , we may misinterpret what is said about particular texts .
12 But what is said about Jesus really expresses the truth about the human race as a whole .
13 Similarly , the recognition that what is said about Jesus in the New Testament is the expression of faith in him , and that this side of the matter , though not the only one , can not be left out of account , has also become a basic axiom of much modern New Testament study .
14 The people who have been studied will probably be interested in what is said about them , and this may affect what the researcher writes .
15 Thus , what is said about the text is contingent on the nature of those institutions : it will differ across literate societies , as it does for instance between those with a tradition of novel-writing or of academic institutions etc. and those without , and its consequence will depend on the social role , functions and meanings of its practice .
16 If your client is in a trade , say baking , then you must deal with his trade journals , Clients are sensitive enough about what is said about them in the consumer press but when negatives appear in their own trade journal , the sparks fly at your next client meeting .
17 It also acknowledges its debt in what is said about electronic instruments to Repair or Replace ?
18 But I imagine you know what is said about you . ’
19 What is said about me , ’ repeated Ipuky drily .
20 There was a long silence before Ipuky continued , ‘ What is said about me should not concern you .
21 It is certainly the case that in much of what is said about pension comparisons with Europe , areas that would lead to a substantial loss among some British pensioners , including those to whom my hon. Friend referred , are often overlooked .
22 It should be clear from what is said above that from the purely practical classroom point of view , generative phonology has little to offer and could well create confusion .
23 And they stare , ca n't stop , they know what is said of the claws , the biting words from her jaws , and a shiver tightens the pores of their hairless flesh .
24 But in monumental sculpture , as in gatherings of important people in real life , what matters is who stands next to whom , and what is said of them .
25 What is said of the Spirit by Hopko is that the Spirit exists in the service of the male Christ .
26 And what is said of the resurrection may be said of other miracles .
27 Given what is said of the need for an ordinary background , the condition-set is of course not sufficient for an effect in an ordinary sense , where a sufficient condition is precisely one that necessitates the effect .
28 It seems that although English greenswards remained innocent of South Africans , score cards from agreed events were exchanged through the mails in what is said to be a contravention of the Gleneagles Agreement .
29 She may find it difficult to raise this personally more pressing problem , but until the adviser acknowledges her priorities , Sally may not absorb what is said to her .
30 stresses the importance of direct experience in the education of children : ‘ Children soon forget what they say or what is said to them , but not what they have done nor what has been done to them ’ ; ‘ Give your scholar no verbal lessons ; he should be taught by experience only ’ ( ibid .
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