Example sentences of "would not be accepted " in BNC.

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1 After all , I 'm sure a climb title which includes obcenities would not be accepted by a guidebook .
2 I am leaving behind my people who have fought a 14-year resistance ; that would not be accepted .
3 Mrs Blair added that any move away from the bid and offer system to single pricing would not be accepted if it threatened to reduce or ‘ dilute ’ the value of existing unit holders investments .
4 Many of the children with whom we work at school would not be accepted at the Petö Institute for reasons explained elsewhere in the report .
5 For example , if the predominance of economic interests and power over other areas of society is not accepted , then the Marxist theory of crime would not be accepted .
6 Joyce insisted that coloured and Jewish students would not be accepted , if he had anything to do with it .
7 She had met John briefly on Friday night and he told her that someone had told him that men who fought with the International Brigade would not be accepted in the Forces .
8 ‘ We had informed the ACU of our plans and were told there was no objection ’ , Ernie told me , ‘ but then we received news that Mark would not be accepted for the Superteen because he did n't have a restricted licence and he had also scored points in the previous year 's British championship .
9 Prime Minister Jim Bolger stated that the recommendation would not be accepted in full .
10 The existence of a written job description prepared in advance of recruitment and selection is considered evidence of the job 's essential functions , but would not be accepted uncritically .
11 As a Rastafarian , he has an insider 's knowledge of the language , though many of his claims would not be accepted by linguists : for example , " as a language Afro-Lingua [ Rastafarian Creole ] does not need grammar and rules because it relies on improvisation , quickwittedness and skill at manipulating words " ( 1986a : 49 ) .
12 After all , I do n't remember seeing anything posted to the list that would not be accepted by TSB .
13 He said I would I would not be accepted .
14 The two plots were also very predictable , because we all knew that Carrie would not be accepted back into society just from going to the ball .
15 I was terrified that I would n't be accepted .
16 It would n't be accepted in a court as conclusive evidence .
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