Example sentences of "would depend [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Any progress on carbon taxes , however , would depend on EC-wide agreement , and its eventual structure would in any case be strongly influenced by the Treasury .
2 On his return on Jan. 5 Botha referred to contacts with other ( unnamed ) Eastern European countries , but said that the establishment of diplomatic relations would depend on internal developments in South Africa in the coming months .
3 Further institutional integration would depend on political circumstances , and the aim was for the Krajina Assembly 's mandate to be endorsed by the Serbian Assembly .
4 " It would depend on nervous strain or other excitement , of course , but from the look of things this strikes me as a fairly cool job .
5 The first choice line up would depend on current fitness and form
6 Reports indicated that further relief from the United States , the European Communities ( EC ) and other donors would depend on discernable improvements in human rights ; reports in April and November from the international human rights organizations Amnesty International and Africa Watch stated that the RCC had detained hundreds of political opponents , many of whom had been tortured and executed [ see also pp. 37114 ; 37367-68 ; 37845 ] .
7 One might suppose that it would depend on all the complex features of the star from which it had formed — not only its mass and rate of rotation , but also the different densities of various parts of the star , and the complicated movements of the gases within the star .
8 then the properties we discover in that body , would depend on that complex idea , and be deducible from it , and their necessary connection with it be known ; as all properties of a triangle depend on , and as far as they are discoverable , are deducible from the complex idea of three lines , including a space .
9 Much would depend on that choice .
10 This subtle strategy would depend on other judges following the new rule when murderers appeared before them claiming inheritances , rather than themselves deciding whether the murderer would spend the money more usefully than the residuary legatees .
11 The timing would depend on economic progress .
12 Arrangements for their release were in hand but would depend on individual cases and the implications for public order .
13 In an unprecedented move the Committee agreed to serve notice to developing countries seeking assistance that all future allocations would depend on effective cuts in military expenditure .
14 The meaning of any percentage figures for reductions in export support would depend on hard bargaining to determine ( i ) the base period against which reductions would be measured ; ( ii ) dates for implementation ; and ( iii ) standards for measuring export values or quantities .
15 On Aug. 17 , 1989 , the USA agreed to release USdollars 115,000,000 of withheld cash aid allocated for 1988 , but said that the release of further cash aid for 1989 still withheld would depend on further reform measures .
16 Offering limited aid to Georgia , he said that further aid would depend on free elections and respect for minority rights .
17 Either way the Tories would depend on inveterate Tory rebels ( such as Nicholas Winterton ) or hardline Ulster unionists ( such as Ian Paisley ) .
18 but how I structure my department would depend in all honesty on the type of people we get knows this .
19 On this day we would come to the other end of the running spectrum , to the fastest men and women on earth whose triumphs would depend upon mere hundredths of a second in the 100 metres .
20 His experiences there in grappling with the problems of planning the postwar development of the French economy had made him increasingly convinced that effective economic planning was beyond the capacity of any single state , but would depend upon intense cooperation between states .
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