Example sentences of "would suggest that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I would suggest that at least three months separates each flock to obtain good continuity .
2 In actually physically up dating anything , I would suggest that at this point that Simon does n't do of them until after the next meeting when we have got all the other 's together as well because again they may attach things , just that you 've got your information and know what 's been decided and do the whole lot after the next meeting .
3 This would suggest that by the date of the walls , the interior was already well built-up ; indeed excavations near the south-west gate she wed the intervallum road to have been re-metalled six times indicating prolonged usage .
4 However , available data from non-diabetic populations in the age range surveyed in the diabetic clinic study have revealed prevalence rates in both sexes of between 20 and 25 per cent ( Epstein et al , 1965 ; Garcia et al , 1974 ; Hawthorne et al , 1974 ; Kannel & McGee , 1979 ) which would suggest that in non-insulin-treated diabetics at least hyper-tension is more prevalent than in non-diabetics in all ethnic groups .
5 I would suggest that in each case the strength of the association is a measure of each culture 's commitment to the overcoming of adversity through aggressive or violent acts .
6 I would suggest that in this society it is not only impossible but psychologically dangerous .
7 The evidence , however , would suggest that in general schools either make little attempt to develop this ability in their pupils , or if they do , it is done very ineffectively .
8 I would suggest that in a society of ambivalent outlook and rapidly changing norms as regards sexuality , overtly non-sexual difficulty more often has an underlying sexual basis than vice versa .
9 I would suggest that in the BDA and in the world of the adult deaf as a whole , there has been a movement from working for deaf people to working with them …
10 We would suggest that in times of economic crisis and recession several of these conditions are indeed likely to predominate and that in fact they did during the 1980s in the UK .
11 The first view would suggest that in Cabinet issues are ‘ up for grabs ’ and whichever minister gets his or her own way on an issue has power .
12 We would suggest that in neuropathic pseudoobstruction it is more likely that the tachygastria is induced by loss of intrinsic inhibitory innervation which may normally modify the frequency of polarisation of the plasmalemmal membrane of the gastric smooth muscle cells .
13 Erm and we would suggest that in the light of these new environmental erm of these new requirements and advice , erm it would be unrealistic to er to expect them not to be taken into account in the structure plan and give greater emphasis to the environmental originally environmental concerns of the structure plan .
14 I would ask , will the men be accepted on merit , and I would suggest that in the past , only a suggestion , but I 'm very aware of it , that men were taken on and they were n't even as good as the women , so applied in the past ,
15 We would suggest that from the perspective of people with learning difficulties , a working alliance with professionals should seem :
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