Example sentences of "all knew [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They all knew each other and was laughing and kidding around and I was scared cos it smelt so bad and was so big and bright and I did n't know where I was .
2 We all knew each other anyway — I 've known Si the bass player and Chris the drummer for years — but it was one of those places where everyone was going at the time , where you could meet other musicians and bounce some ideas around .
3 Inevitably , of course , there were occasions when all the children did play together , and they all knew each other well .
4 We all knew each other , and we all had one contact , who we all knew quite well .
5 It happened initially because at that time separatists were few in number , and across the country we all knew each other more or less .
6 In his study of Atlanta in Georgia , Hunter ( 1953 ) established that the top ten leaders sifted out in this manner all knew each other well , nominated each other to key committees , were often businessmen holding plural and interlocking directorships of companies , and regularly played a role in major city decisions and state politics .
7 They all knew each other well before the war — all four of them . ’
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