Example sentences of "all she wanted [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Jake seemed in the grip of a madness deeper than any Ruth remembered ; all she wanted now , overwhelmingly , was to get away from him .
2 All she wanted now was to get really stoned and lie back on the mattress thinking good thoughts .
3 Her burst of temper had left her empty , drained of feeling , and all she wanted now was to crawl away somewhere to lick her wounds in private .
4 She had no intention of putting herself deeper into Luke 's bad books ; all she wanted now was for her involvement with Woodline Design to proceed peacefully to its end .
5 Defying the need to slump her head dejectedly on to her arms , to howl long and hard that every minute of this evening had been utter hell and that all she wanted now was to curl up safe and warm in her own bed .
6 Around this time Heather took on a philosophical mood and confided all she wanted out of life was ‘ to be on dry land with a dry pair of knickers , clean teeth and to be able to wash in fresh water ’ .
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