Example sentences of "would [be] reduced to " in BNC.

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1 The opposition Civic Forum earlier described the talks as constructive , amid growing opposition optimism that the Communists would be reduced to a minority in the new government .
2 In a belated attempt at conciliation , the Japanese Government announced in mid September that the drift-net fleet in the Tasman Sea for the 1989–90 season would be reduced to 20 vessels , in the hope that the South Pacific nations could be diverted from their diplomatic assault .
3 Such data management operations take up a lot of the computer 's operating time ; in a computer based on FRAMs they would be reduced to a minimum .
4 The punishment for this crime was to be docked his best wave , so his tally would be reduced to three against the other surfers ' four .
5 Again , if like Peter , Jesus was likening conditions on earth at the time of His promised return and judgment to an event which was only myth or legend then the ‘ blessed hope ’ would be reduced to ‘ no hope ’ .
6 One would never have expected that the author of Tintern Abbey would be reduced to this sort of stage-management !
7 If the proposal is accepted , it would mark the end of the Ronson empire , whose 100% stake in Heron would be reduced to 5% .
8 The number would be reduced to thirty .
9 The sentence would be reduced to two years , with the balance of the sentence remaining to be served suspended ( the appellant having served six months ) .
10 Both sides welcomed the Vietnamese commitment to withdraw their troops from Kampuchea ; the level of armed forces along the Sino-Soviet border would be reduced to a minimum , and any remaining territorial differences would be resolved on the basis of international law .
11 The party and state apparatus that was responsible for the management of the economy would be reduced to about a tenth of its present size ; and democratic practices would be revived within the CPSU , primarily through party-wide discussions and votes on major issues .
12 If the interests of the members of society could be treated as those of a ‘ representative ’ individual , then the role of the state would be reduced to that of efficiently carrying out agreed decisions .
13 Ferenc Karpathi , then Defence Minister , announced on March 29 that national service would be reduced to 12 months from August and that soldiers would no longer have to carry out other types of service such as agricultural work .
14 In order to harmonize value added tax rates within the EC , VAT on items such as flowers , building land and artworks was increased ( a move expected to raise an extra F2,000 million in revenue in the second half of 1991 ) ; VAT on cars would be reduced to 18.6 per cent from Jan. 1 , 1993 .
15 King said that the existing army strength of 155,000 personnel would be reduced to 116,000 by 1992 , and the combined armed forces would shrink by 62,000 from its present level of 308,000 .
16 The SPÖ and ÖVP reached agreement on Oct. 22 after lengthy negotiations on a Sch636,000 million ( about US$53,600 million ) budget in which the deficit would be reduced to Sch62,000 million ( 3.5 per cent of gross national product , with a further reduction to 3 per cent in 1992 ) .
17 It was agreed that ( i ) a system of proportional representation in the Assembly of the Republic ( legislature ) would be adopted ; ( ii ) legislative and presidential elections would be held simultaneously within one year of the signing of a ceasefire accord , although this deadline could be extended ; ( iii ) presidential candidates would be at least 35 years old and their candidacies supported by a minimum of 10,000 signatures ; ( iv ) the minimum voting age and that for the representatives in the Assembly would be 25 years , although there was an expectation that these would be reduced to 18 years after the first set of elections ; ( v ) a National Electoral Commission , one-third of whose members would be appointed by the MNR , would organize the electoral process , determining for example the number of seats per region ; and ( vi ) the government would assist the MNR to secure appropriate facilities to carry out its political work in at least every provincial capital .
18 The top rate of value added tax ( 22 per cent ) would be reduced to a new upper rate of 18.6 per cent from April 13 , 1992 , rather than Jan. 1 , 1993 [ see also p. 38297 ] .
19 This material would be approximately 10 cm from the probe and 10 cm off its axis , and at this point the detector signal would be reduced to less than 5% of its value on the detector axis .
20 The bank would give him facilities to purchase the business to the extent of seventy five thousand pounds if he agreed to sell his property at and from the proceeds of sale to repay the bridging facility in its entirety and they would provide a sixteen thousand pounds business loan and overdraught facilities to be reduced by five thousand pounds within a few days and if the six thousand pounds rent deposit was not required then the business loan would be reduced to ten thousand pounds .
21 Thus , entries such as 870 , 1076 , 1521 , 2774 , 2163 having four effective digits would become 900 , 1100 , 1500 , 2800 , 2200 but 1638 , 1797 , 1025 , 1672 having only three effective digits would be reduced to 1640 , 1800 , 1030 , 1670
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