Example sentences of "would [vb infin] produce a " in BNC.

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1 Choreographers who would like to produce an item for presentation on stage at the Festival are invited to send in their ideas for items with the following themes :
2 However , insufficient height was available to install windows copying the attenuated shape of the original ‘ lancets ’ and the unquestioning reproduction of the arch form in the new windows would have produced a weaker visual result than the treatment which was adopted — the insertion of new tripartite lights capped by a simple square-headed profile ( Plates 18 and 19 ) .
3 As well as vegetables the peasant garden would have produced a variety of herbs .
4 This was far more than could be justified in the straitened circumstances of the time ( and indeed it would have produced a large margin of spare capacity on the actual early 1950s peak demand ) .
5 The SparKit LSI is announcing is the self-same kit it was supposed to come up with almost two years ago — one that would have produced a Sparcstation 2 clone for $18,000 .
6 The 1931 result , of course , left a great deal of room for recoil , but even so , the average of these results , if reflected in a general election , would have produced a substantial Labour majority in the House of Commons .
7 Therefore , if we had taken our cue from these public styles , we would have produced a top-heavy account that would have been of only marginal importance to the social ‘ life ’ of the speech community .
8 A preheated cupping glass would then have been placed over the wound and the cooling action of the air inside would have produced a vacuum capable of sucking the blood out .
9 More frequent change would have produced a counterproductive restlessness .
10 We now propose a council tax that would have produced a bill this year of £617 .
11 The London stockbrokers County Natwest Wood Mackenzie reported on Dec. 21 their calculation that the only major stock market in which a sterling investor would have realized an average gain during 1990 would have been Mexico , where booming market conditions would have produced a 53.2 per cent profit ; the UK , by comparison , would have produced a 7.7 per cent average loss , the West German market would have brought a 21.4 per cent loss , and the USA a 17.1 per cent loss .
12 The London stockbrokers County Natwest Wood Mackenzie reported on Dec. 21 their calculation that the only major stock market in which a sterling investor would have realized an average gain during 1990 would have been Mexico , where booming market conditions would have produced a 53.2 per cent profit ; the UK , by comparison , would have produced a 7.7 per cent average loss , the West German market would have brought a 21.4 per cent loss , and the USA a 17.1 per cent loss .
13 If a Labour Prime Minister had died or retired whilst in office the Parliamentary Party election procedure would have produced a new leader .
14 In previous decades a similar swing would have produced a much higher majority .
15 Some referees would have produced a red card instantly , but Alan Flood decided that the challenge only merited a yellow .
16 It is perhaps as well to remember at the outset that the main injury in this particular case was a hip injury which , if it had occurred to a younger man , would have produced an arthrodesis operation .
17 Any electoral agreement with radical Liberals would have produced an embarrassing position for the Labour party .
18 Parliamentary arithmetic dictated , therefore , that Labour would have to produce a package which was acceptable to at least one of the opposition parties .
19 But any weakening , however temporary , in the prince 's dominance would serve to produce a more normal relationship .
20 take you back in this first talk about the art of film erm to the very early days , and these are difficult I think for us to imagine because we 're so used today to sound films , of all the effects in , in the theatres , we 're used to the great stars , we 're used to the big subjects , and yet the film began in the smallest possible way , it began really as a sideshow , it began as a hobby for a group of people , sometimes they would be French , sometimes they would be British , sometimes American , the early pioneers , whose main interest was to produce a camera , which would look like a still camera and yet somehow would manage to produce a picture which moved when it was projected on a screen .
21 The obvious difficulty of having the same method of election for both Houses is that it would tend to produce a mirror image and devalue the House of Lords as a check .
22 It was he , Clasper , who dictated to management the size of the labour force they would require to produce a given number of products , regardless of any figure which management might arrive at by employing accurately measured work standards .
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