Example sentences of "would [vb infin] a far " in BNC.

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1 Dana wanted to marry Roman and on her own showing she would make a far more suitable wife for him than her twin would .
2 I am quite aware it would take a far wiser head than mine to answer such a question , but if I were forced to hazard a guess , I would say that it is the very lack of obvious drama or spectacle that sets the beauty of our land apart .
3 Newspapers love a good disaster , and a wedding where the bridegroom 's trousers fell down at the altar would stand a far better chance of being reported than one that went without a hitch .
4 Far be it for me to say that this is the sort of budget that conservatives ought to applaud because it is after all , a budget that is guided by a feeling that councils should provide services and they should orientate their services to the least communities , to be guided by equal opportunities and by egalitarians and that 's what this group has always stood for , this is the budget that we present tonight and I would hope that it would get a far better and far larger measure of support than perhaps of course been the case in the past .
5 The increase in space would allow a far greater representation of eighteenth-century painting , as well as many nineteenth-century classics such Millais ' ‘ The boyhood of Raleigh ’ and ‘ Ophelia ’ , both long in store .
6 A project in which the children 's desire to acquire information will engender high motivation would seem a far more appropriate way of achieving this than putting them through special library lessons , divorced from any meaningful context .
7 I guarantee that if one were to sit down , go back to basics , and argue through the parameters as suggested exclusively by the score , and not from one 's aural knowledge of the record catalogue ( and that hoary old chestnut , a ‘ classic ’ version ) , one would encounter a far greater consensus of opinion than would appear initially to be the case .
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