Example sentences of "would [vb infin] [vb pp] far " in BNC.

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1 Mr Beltrami would tell the jury that on several occasions during the past four years McGuinness had spoken to him in detail about his part in the Ayr murder ; and as he has a commanding presence and deep , authoritative voice , his evidence would have gone far to confirm in the minds of the jury what they had already heard from Mrs McGuinness .
2 In particular they believed that a State which could dominate the sea and Europe 's trade with the outside world would have gone far towards making herself mistress of the continent .
3 If the house was n't locked , perhaps he 'd gone to the pub to buy his horrible cigarettes or another bottle of Scotch to drown his sorrows — whatever , she did n't think he would have gone far .
4 I would have written far sooner , only — to be quite frank — I feared a snub , and I do n't think I could have borne it …
5 It was 1859 before Alexander gave reformers their head by granting them control of the Editing Commissions , and by then the prestige of the throne would have suffered far more from the abandonment of emancipation than from allowing a version of it to go through .
6 He would have asked far less .
7 What would have caused far more concern to Wild Will would be the existence of a possibly retarded bastard in his home , at his expense .
8 Jack Ashley 's Bill would have come far closer to doing so by requiring that belief in consent must be reasonable .
9 Yet he would have spent far less money if he had bought the first house and completely refurnished the kitchen or even changed it to another room .
10 He could n't believe that it would have wandered far when it had n't even been outside the stable for such a long time .
11 Indeed the fact that one of the informal classrooms would have had far less experience of the methods gain in all attainment areas ' gave support to those ( among whom I number myself ) who wondered whether realistic comparisons could be obtained when the schools taking part had no common starting point .
12 The teachers in informal classroom would have had far less experience of the methods they were employing .
13 Rather than pile all the bodies into one large mass grave , Davis had had his men dig serried rows of shallow graves and lay the bodies into them as they were , without coffins , which would have taken far too long to make .
14 This relatively simple wetland agriculture , Bloom suggests , would have required far fewer labourers than has been envisaged for raised field cultivation in Maya areas .
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