Example sentences of "would [adv] go into " in BNC.

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1 Is it possible that Major would rather go into opposition — with the dangers that would mean for his continued leadership of the Conservative party — than offer PR and Scottish devolution to the Liberal Democrats ?
2 He would not go into detail on what he called ‘ sensitive issues and sensitive talks ’ but said : ‘ I would be a fool to hinder this by insisting on a cricket tour . ’
3 ODDLY , the address file would not go into the address book application , for reasons ( I assume ) to do with the latter 's format demands .
4 Its outcome is not really in doubt , not because it is a put-up job but because the CEGB would not go into such an exercise if it had only a 50–50 chance of success .
5 In the end Harper had sworn a sacred oath on the Holy Mother and on all the bleeding wounds of Christ that he would not go into battle , that he would remember he was a husband and a father , and that if he so much as heard a musket shot he would turn tail and run away .
6 The heavy , dark-blue broadcloth coat would not go into the suitcase .
7 She would not go into the detail that Mrs Blakey urged her towards .
8 Greg Dyke , chairman of ITV Sport , would not go into details but it is believed that ITV 's interest will extend to a sponsorship package that could be worth around £80m over four years .
9 Most said they would not go into the town centre alone at night .
10 I certainly would n't go into a new business and make instant decisions about who has got to go .
11 A lady I know who saw his mother 's funeral said that Yeats would n't go into the church .
12 Well , he would n't go into school now , he thought , close to tears .
13 Because the child would n't go into the sea , she had her taught to swim in the local baths .
14 She used to take me to the local baths in Penzance sometimes , because my grandmother insisted I had to learn to swim , even if I would n't go into the sea .
15 For the years we were taking speed , we would n't go into a pub or a crowded room .
16 He would n't go into details over the phone but he said it had something to do with Bernard .
17 He would n't go into the bar with her .
18 There are some sacks over there that would n't go into the barn .
19 He says that he wo n't massage er the economic figures to try and create a pre-election boomlet , but then , he said that he would n't go into the E R M until inflation was falling and indeed was very near the level of our competitors , so I do n't think you can believe a word he says .
20 I would cheerfully go into the alchemy business , if it existed and made lots of money …
21 Further sections of this pattern would then go into subsequent stitch pattern areas , but bear in mind that we do not wish to overflow the memory , while the next section of 88 squares will fill the working memory .
22 She would then go into a secret hiding place that only her family knew about .
23 We then went to assembly which lasted anything from fifteen to twenty five minutes , we would then go into our classrooms and do whatever we were told .
24 The stiffer the opposition , the stronger waxes the battle , until much of the energy which would otherwise go into production of goods is deflected into personal warfare .
25 ‘ I would never go into a match in the Premier League if I had any doubts about the injury .
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