Example sentences of "would [verb] had [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I think the reason they probably did this because it 's , it 's , it was politically harder to do that , they would 've had to taken a lot more responsibility .
2 In that case , the sum of the values of the parts of a thing should not be equated with the sum of the values they would have had outside that whole .
3 Instead of Greece they went to Wyvis Hall because Adam was broke and Mary was close to broke because that first time it had been so beautiful and peaceful and private there that you could hardly see what advantages Greece would have had over it .
4 He would have had to be as different as T. S. Eliot ; and there 's an end of that speculation !
5 Perhaps if the National Front had been excluded , the racism they stand for would have had to be faced up to , ‘ making it worse ’ for those very genteel people in charge of education .
6 And if we can hold it , the foal will still be frightened of us , and we will have to give it a lot more handling than we would have had to initially to undo its instinctive fear of us and learn accept us instead .
7 The court held that for the application of the rule to have been lawful it would have had to be justifiable irrespective of race or ethnic or national origins .
8 But , by now , he would have had to be moving up the ladder , getting experience of command .
9 If Rees had been successful there , it would have meant that legislation would have had to be introduced into Parliament which would remove those legal disabilities affecting transsexuals which the court may find contravene the Convention .
10 Coleman would have had to be a man of superhuman cunning and stupidity to have served for over 40 years fighting the very thing he was engaged in creating .
11 Subscriptions and students ' fees were not adequate to provide a properly staffed establishment , and the choice made of this method of financing the College , in preference to direct government funding ( which would have had to be much greater than the government grants received from 1795 to 1813 ) was to hamper the growth of the College well into the present century .
12 With people in the field such as Don Quarrie and a Mike McFarlane near the peak of his form , I would have had to better my best by a considerable margin to succeed .
13 If they had not , then the greater part of cosmology and theoretical physics would have had to be junked as so much useless scribbling .
14 It would have had to be York Ham .
15 Inspector Alan Miller , of North Yorks Police , said : ‘ They would have had to be very determined to breach the wires , ignore warning signs and risk confronting armed guards for the sake of a few rabbits . ’
16 Flies , we can well imagine , must have had a hey-day in such an environment , and those attracted by the flesh and the dung of horses would have had to be whisked off Charles 's meat — perhaps by boys with birch whisks specially employed for the purpose .
17 Each case would have had to be worked out individually and the cost , in time and resources , to employers , employees and to the Revenue itself would have far outweighed the amount of tax recouped .
18 I did not take any of that seriously , though I would have had to be ice all through to hear it with utter in-difference .
19 This would have been very difficult , because the site is on a low hill and some means would have had to be found for overcoming the unfavourable gradients ; a siphon effect has been suggested , but that would have involved making the whole length of piping airtight , which seems scarcely credible .
20 Informal , ineffectual approaches were made , but ‘ if there had been a response , ’ says Isabel Lindsay , ‘ it would have had to be handled very carefully . ’
21 I did n't wan na go the hospital 'cos they 'd have wanted to know how I did it and I would have had to turkey in there .
22 In consequence , the Royal Messiah and the Priest Messiah would have had to be as closely linked as possible — which they were in Maccabean times , for example , when both were members of the same family .
23 For that reason you would have had to be silenced once Graham was in custody .
24 If we 'd needed the final touch of homicidal brio , this would have had to be it .
25 During that period , any criteria for selection ( whether religious or otherwise ) would have had to be agreed with the local education authority if the case were to be brought within section 6(3) ( b ) .
26 Indeed , the argument if taken to its logical conclusion would mean that , between 1980 and 1988 , any criteria for selection to be applied in an over-subscribed school ( as in an under-subscribed school ) would have had to be actually agreed between the school and the local education authority .
27 I wish to add that , even if it had been suggested that the Secretary of State had erred in law in this respect in the present case ( and no such suggestion was made ) , any such submission would have had to be founded upon evidence of the relevant provisions of Swedish law , and no such evidence was before the Divisional Court in the present case .
28 All the costs of running the school ( staff salaries , provision of buildings and grounds etc. ) would have had to be incurred in any event : the admission of the taxpayers ' children did not increase these basic expenses in any way .
29 Prior to the block exemption , such agreements would have had to be cleared individually by the Commission , a practice which effectively amounts to notification .
30 Jules had told her she was attractive , Félix found her so , and she would have had to be blind not to see the admiring glances of strangers when she went to a café or on a promenade with Jules .
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