Example sentences of "there appear [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Bradford was ‘ not troubled with them ’ [ fascists ] , ‘ The Movement does not receive much support ’ in Dewsbury , and there appear to have been only a couple of modest meetings in Huddersfield .
2 Percifull died in nine days in November 1733 and Dr John Martyn 's twins , John and Eulalia , died within a year of their baptism in 1737 , there appear to have been no such tragedies in the Miller family and we may suppose these were their only three children .
3 Searching back through the long history of feline deterrents , there appear to have been only three smelly substances that have achieved a measure of success .
4 There appear to have been two major influences behind the modification of the classic pacta tertiis rule .
5 Though one might think that all those who left must have been in agreement with the National Socialist ideology , there appear to have been artists of all persuasions who remained members .
6 The ford in the river was blown up to make navigation easier and from time to time there appear to have been spectacular rock falls , one of which carried away the last vestiges of St Vincent 's Chapel which gave its name to St Vincent 's Rocks .
7 As seen above , for example , there appear to have been two " regular " as distinct from any possible " ceremonial " investitures , apparently called and defined just below — while Abdurrahman Efendi was Rumeli kazasker ( 958–64/1551 7 ) , namely in 959 and 963 ; and Ata'i states that in the time of his successor , Molla Hamid ( Hamid ) , Rumeli kazasker from 964/1557 to 974/5566 , were decreed in Dhu " l-Hijja 968/August-September 1561 and in Sha'ban 973/March 1566 : thus the period 958 to 974 saw in 959 , 963 , 968 , and 973 .
8 Outside there appear to have been two aisled barns of second- and third-century date respectively , which were probably used for the safe storage of taxes collected in kind or goods in transit .
9 The House will be pleased to know that in 1991 there appear to have been lower fatalities on our roads than in any year since the 1940s , despite a ninefold increase in the amount of traffic .
10 After an appropriate opening , it was addressed by the pope , but so great was the crowd that one reporter could not hear the content of the speech and there appear to have been several fatal accidents in the crush .
11 There appear to have been trends in the fossil gymnosperms leading to increased protection of the ovules .
12 After Cicero 's De Oratore , there appear to have been very few analyses of the language of humour , comedy and joking , until the twentieth century : at least , judging from Milner 's ( 1972 ) account , cited in Delia Chiaro 's bibliography .
13 Mr Wilson , 25 , was last seen by his family as they prepared to celebrate Hogmanay at a relative 's at the nearby Charleston estate , but there appear to have been sightings a day or so later in the city centre .
14 There appears to have been a general feeling among them that there was no real problem on this score .
15 This was in The New English Weekly , a London journal of very limited circulation ; there appears to have been no comparable acknowledgement in the poet 's native land .
16 The timing question aside , there appears to have been basic agreement between Mrs Thatcher and Mr Lawson on the need to defend sterling .
17 Broadly , there was stability in the marriage rates from the 1870s to the 1940s , although there appears to have been something of a minor dip in those getting married in the late 1920s and 1930s .
18 In the first few years of the informal concordat under the RAC , there appears to have been a tacit agreement that in Cambridgeshire the WEA attempted to provide few courses , largely it is thought because of its financial problems .
19 This requires careful planning , especially in the allocation of committee rooms for use by committees which are to be broadcast , but , in practice , there appears to have been little difficulty .
20 There appears to have been a return to narrative , with more titles published and more copies sold ( although it must always be borne in mind that the Italian literary market is a relatively small one ) .
21 But most of the changes that did occur took place over 1950–70 ; since the latter year there appears to have been little change in the relative positions of the different republics and provinces in social product per head .
22 There appears to have been some slackness in staff discipline in that teachers were often late for , or even absent from , lectures .
23 Even allowing for the restricted staff , there appears to have been some lack of organization of the lecturing programme in Coleman 's later years .
24 There appears to have been a greater interest in orthogenesis in the earlier part of this century and writers such as Berg considered the subject in some depth .
25 Thus despite the companies ' use of highly toxic chemicals , such as cyanide , there appears to have been little or no state regulation of the environmental impact of mining , until the Navan mines project .
26 Overall there appears to have been very little exchange between Kent and other areas of England in the sixth and seventh centuries , but where there is a potential link it may indicate the direction of alliances between groups .
27 In addition , Richards has indicated the strength of the connection between cremation urns and the deceased as there appears to have been ‘ a collective conception of the urn form that was appropriate for the burial of a person of a particular age , sex , ethnic , totemic , or other social grouping ’ ( Richards 1982 , p. 43 ) .
28 Clearly there appears to have been a significant increase in activity across all age groups , but especially among the older age groups .
29 In the more notorious slum districts , there appears to have been little or no respect for the law .
30 There appears to have been a substantial number of ‘ rank and file ’ supporters scattered across the whole of both Galilee and Judaea .
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