Example sentences of "their child ['s] need " in BNC.

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1 From their perspective , family problems were often underestimated by the agencies and their sense of parental responsibility , exercised in trying to ‘ get something done ’ , was violated by social workers who misinterpreted it as lack of commitment to their children 's needs ( Fisher et al . ,
2 On becoming a head I was determined to try to give parents the opportunity to talk freely and frankly about their children and their children 's needs .
3 The proposed post-divorce reform of a jointly agreed statement of parenting arrangements for children is welcome in principle , but many parents will require access to conciliation to enable them to concentrate on their children 's needs .
4 In both cases the parents ' resignation to the inevitability of the assessment outcome arose from their having no opportunity to determine or seriously influence the objectives of the assessment nor to contribute to the conceptual framework within which their children 's needs were being assessed .
5 The main reasons for not wanting immediate employment were to do with their children and their perceptions of their children 's needs .
6 Raphael also suggests that bereaved parents who felt particularly unsupported themselves , lacking contact with the grandparents , for instance , were especially likely to be oblivious to , or deny , their children 's needs at this time .
7 Support may help a bereaved parent to cope with his or her own feelings of loss , and thereby be better able to recognise their children 's needs and vulnerability .
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