Example sentences of "their child ['s] education " in BNC.

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1 Among the manifestations of this conflict are cases where parents have challenged the content of their child 's education by withdrawing him/her from school .
2 It requires changes in the way that parental involvement in their child 's education is fostered by the school as well as changes in what the school has to offer the child .
3 Paul Widlake 's recent books ( 1984,1985 ) give the lie to the oft-expressed view that some parents are ‘ not interested in their child 's education ’ .
4 Others were not so clear-cut : for example , when asked whether the nursery had explained the part parents can play in their child 's education , parents seemed a bit vague .
5 Parents looking for advice on what to do to help with their child 's education will be told that the most important thing is to spend quality time talking to their children , ’ the West End headteacher said .
6 Parents who previously took no interest in their children 's education have suddenly become motivated .
7 Labour and the Liberal Democrats believe that spending a lot more of taxpayers ' money on education ( Labour £600 million , the Liberal Democrats £4.6 billion ) and denying parents a say over their children 's education , will somehow improve things .
8 Mrs Lennox said Air Chief Marshal Sir Roger Palin , Air Member for Personnel , told them in a letter last month that their application was ‘ unlikely to succeed ’ before they had even submitted estimates from insurance companies of what their children 's education was likely to cost .
9 When schools ca n't find replacement teachers when staff are absent the anger of parents at the disruption of their children 's education can be severe .
10 These developments are most likely to affect urban dwellers and those displaced people and migrants in the urban areas who can not afford even small charges for their children 's education .
11 It certainly seems to be the case that many of those who opt to pay for their children 's education are attracted by the narrow social intake of most private schools .
12 Whereas it used to be assumed that she would follow him around the country and around the world , it is now not uncommon for wives to decide to stay put in order to further their own careers , or so that they do not disrupt their children 's education .
13 In Pepper v Hart , the House of Lords held that the benefit to be assessed on teachers at Malvern College in respect of their children 's education there should be the marginal cost to the school of providing the education , less any contribution the teachers made ( p 85 ) .
14 The benefit to be assessed on teachers at Malvern College in respect of their children 's education there was held to be the marginal cost to the school of providing the education , less any contribution the teachers made .
15 Above all , the Sainsbury 's Home Learning Programme is designed to help parents actively participate in their children 's education .
16 For example , expatriates may wish to link their departure dates with school summer holidays to cause minimum disruption to their children 's education .
17 Presented then are two polar opposites : parents , at the one extreme , neglecting their children 's education ; at the other , overburdening them , whether by abrasive discipline or by setting impossible targets .
18 As far as the school was concerned , the fact that so many parents attended a parents ' evening was ‘ an indication of the kind of area we are dealing with … where parents are interested in their children 's education and want to play as full a part as possible . ’
19 Another major hurdle for the Model School is to encourage parents to participate in their children 's education .
20 This view left room for considerable differences of opinion as to the means by which the labouring poor should be encouraged to work — by coercion or persuasion ; as to the degree to which those who worked could provide for all their needs , such as their children 's education , housing , sickness , old age , widowhood , or required support from the state in some or all of these circumstances ; and as to the degree of culpability of those who did not provide for themselves .
21 Although it was mindful of such factors as teacher racism and recognized that ‘ West Indian ’ parents expressed considerable interest in their children 's education , the Ramp ton Report succumbed to other cultural essentialism which replicated the presuppositions of earlier debates about working-class families and educational ‘ underachievement ’ .
22 suggest the kinds of questions they should be asking about their children 's education ;
23 As far as the former is concerned , adult educators saw the emphasis on home/school links and parental involvement in schools as an opportunity for involving working-class parents in relevant education meeting a real need , i.e. their children 's education .
24 In some LEAs there are qualified teachers whose job is to liaise between the school and the home , by visiting the child 's family at home , seeing parents if they visit the school , and by organising activities , both during and after school hours , to encourage parental involvement with the school and with their children 's education .
25 They perform a similar role to home liaison teachers in encouraging parental involvement in their children 's education , but differ in working with children under five .
26 I particularly welcome the priority given to the patients charter , which will reduce appointment waiting times and waiting lists in hospitals , and to the schools charter , which will make sure that parents get the fullest information on their children 's education .
27 Parents are being forced to pay more and more out of their own pockets for their children 's education .
28 That would be helpful to parents in the task of continuing their children 's education at home .
29 Parents , too , needed to know that their children 's education was being enhanced by this system of sharing .
30 Parents ' main interest was seen as the opportunity to influence the quality of their children 's education … the view was expressed that the APM should be seen as the climax to a continuous relationship between various parties and an opportunity for them to come together and ask questions about what had happened over the course of the previous 12 months .
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