Example sentences of "if she gave [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 If she gave him box office , Beatty gave her security .
2 He had sworn at her , jeered at her , called her a lump of cold batter , told her to get to the devil , told her that he was sick of the sight of her , that he had married her for her money , that if she gave him any more of her canting preaching he 'd hit her one that she 'd remember .
3 He would tease her if she gave him anything , ask what he had done to earn it .
4 She knew perfectly well that if she gave him any warning he 'd find some excuse to refuse to see her , so , having dumped her own things in her flat , she went straight round to his , hoping to catch him before he went out .
5 What would Fen say if she gave him a truthful answer , told him that Hugh had done her a good turn , jilted her before she could make the most dreadful mistake of her life ?
6 He 'd loved her and left her once , and if she gave him a chance he 'd do it again .
7 Luke would never forgive her if she gave them away with some unwitting comment .
8 She looked at Sophie 's stricken face and added , ‘ He told her that if she gave them some garbled story he would sack her on the spot .
9 Right I just wondered if she gave you an address cos it you know got a super little town map here .
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