Example sentences of "if he wanted to " in BNC.

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1 She knew that if he wanted to he could have killed her ; without apparent effort he held off her attack once the first shock had past .
2 He does n't smoke or drink , and even if he wanted to , two heart attacks and a by-pass operation have made the decision for him .
3 In the course of it Edward Lucas , a BBC Prague correspondent , asked Havel directly if he wanted to be president .
4 There was an eloquence about his hand movements and I realized also that he could be a dancer if he wanted to be .
5 He could make it warmer if he wanted to .
6 Endill did not know if he wanted to be hard but was too tired to argue .
7 I felt he could stop his pulse if he wanted to and induce his own death .
8 Why should n't he , if he wanted to , drop in to have a chat with the landlord ?
9 He did n't know if he wanted to .
10 If Wordsworth had been a simple country boy , they could have patronized him ; the Johnsonian style of the Preface to Lyrical Ballads showed that he could write like the gentlemanly reviewers if he wanted to , and nothing is more infuriating than one of our own sort who ‘ lets the side down ’ .
11 Willi Dungl was still around making Niki work out and adjusting his psyche and Niki knew , if he wanted to , he could make his comeback .
12 I was glad he had spoken as if he wanted to , but I felt I should apologize , once they had gone .
13 ‘ I told him if he wanted to be a great athlete he would have to stop chasing them . ’
14 I knew I was going on too long , but I kept thinking that Mr Taylor would butt in and stop me if he wanted to .
15 If he wanted to , he could be a real show-off : ‘ My Own Private Catastrophe ’ is pure restraint , feedback and harmonics adding a peculiar tension to the track , whereas the apocalyptic ‘ Sever ’ has him seeming to invent a new ‘ Semtex ’ effects pedal .
16 At the party afterwards Binkie Beaumont , far and away London 's biggest impresario ( he had put on The Druid 's Rest ) , asked the boy if he wanted to be a professional actor .
17 She professed love for Gentle at intervals , but not with sufficient consistency to make him think he could prise her from her husband , even if he wanted to , which he was by no means certain he did .
18 Mrs Singh expressed a worry about Balbinder refusing to dress himself and ordering her to get him ready for school when he could do this perfectly well if he wanted to .
19 The Dauphin 's interest in delaying the transfer of territory and renunciation of sovereignty is obvious , but it has been suggested that Edward too might have been glad of an excuse to resume the war if he wanted to .
20 He wondered if he wanted to .
21 He could look into any of the bedrooms if he wanted to .
22 And er in , within that as you know you can actually er go for er the higher income if he wanted to he could push the income up on the hundred thousand say , we could make the income round about seven percent if we wanted to do .
23 The fuse would destroy itself , the gunpowder explode , poor Cosmas 's legs would be shattered , and even if he wanted to , the fire spread so quickly as to prevent his escape .
24 It was the disconcerting sort of grip that suggested that the gripper could grip a whole lot harder , if he wanted to .
25 Still , if he wanted to formally emphasise the gulf between them , it was all to the good .
26 It was Friday and there would be enough people in Woolworth 's for him to be able to pinch a handful of sweets from the counter if he wanted to .
27 ‘ I 'd assume he could n't forget it if he wanted to .
28 Let him think they were going to get married if he wanted to .
29 David Greenland , of North Terrace , Gainford , said Sturdy , whom he knew from school , offered him a deal which he thought would boost trade and which he could terminate if he wanted to .
30 He could change the name if he wanted to .
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