Example sentences of "if he knew [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I asked Otto if he knew about Jean-Claude 's contempt for the law .
2 If he knew about the baby , what would he call me then ?
3 I do n't think he may have been told about that , now he himself if he knew about that , that might be sufficient digging him over this hill
4 When engaged in writing the naval history of the war , he had of course accumulated more material , both British and German , than he was ever able to use ; and one day over coffee at Cambridge I asked if he knew of any naval occasion of the Second World War which had not yet been told and which , in his view , ought to be .
5 She asked Uncle Pumblechook if he knew of anyone .
6 If he knew of them he would have them destroyed at once , and I do n't want that to happen . ’
7 If he knew of the insult offered me he would want revenge — and against the Husseys he can not possibly speed .
8 And if he knew of the wanton pictures chasing one another through her head his insulting opinion of her would no doubt be confirmed .
9 The accused , therefore , is guilty of blackmail against a timorous person , when a reasonable person would not have been frightened , only if he knew of the timidity .
10 The story of how Cnut 's brother Harald became king of Denmark after Swegen 's death and refused either to divide it or to help Cnut reconquer England does not square with Thietmar of Merseburg 's statement that he was in England in 1016 : were there aspects of Cnut 's relationship with Harald upon which the Encomiast , if he knew of them , did not wish to dwell ?
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