Example sentences of "has tend to be " in BNC.

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1 As a producer , MacCabe is naturally enough dismayed by this pro-directorial bias : ‘ If you look at what 's been happening to British cinema over the last 10 years or so , then it 's clear that it has tended to be production-led — names like Working Title , Palace Films or Zenith are as important as those of any individual director .
2 Haynes has tended to be the less adventurous of the two and does not quite have his partner 's determination to hammer the ball into a distant wall , but before the series began he had 5,340 runs at 41 , with twelve centuries , to his name all the same .
3 There has tended to be agreement on the central question ; what is broadcasting for ?
4 Consequently , the United States has tended to be most vociferous about a ‘ peace process ’ when this has excluded the Soviet Union , and promised a solution which would strengthen American influence in the region .
5 Also there has tended to be in earlier Soviet writing a sort of radical cornucopianism which has provided the ideological context of some technically disastrous decisions on the use of land .
6 The division of work between themselves and the Labour left put the latter into the public eye as spokespeople , and the republican contribution to developments has tended to be downplayed in consequence .
7 There has tended to be an increase in confidence within IIAs , although this has rarely been matched by increasing private-sector investment .
8 But housing has tended to be subsumed within other programmes .
9 In fact the word ‘ homoeopathic ’ has tended to be regarded as synonymous with ‘ incredibly minute ’ or even non-existent .
10 When matters of race are located and called attention to in American literature , critical response has tended to be on the order of a humanistic nostrum — or a dismissal mandated by the label ‘ political ’ .
11 However , so far the attitude has tended to be sympathetic — it is not , after all , in the creditors ' interests to exclude a member and thereby reduce earning potential .
12 It has tended to be seen as a pampered favourite , while regarding the lower-tech and less profitable businesses as a ball and chain .
13 What little new fiction by youngish writers there has been has tended to be incestuous tales of fast-track living in the media boomtown of the Eighties : books sold and written in the Groucho Club bar .
14 Until recently it has tended to be a middle-class , if not an upper-class , home where the father prides himself on being able to provide well for his family , and the mother prides herself on being a good ‘ homemaker ’ who runs the establishment with precise efficiency , giving careful consideration to the basic ( i.e. material ) needs of all the occupants .
15 It is thought that this represents a very real social phenomenon , either because of the nature of the settlement or because it was a general policy to dispose of rubbish away from the settlements , perhaps as manure in the fields , and is clearly not the product of poor preservation as has tended to be assumed ( Astill and Lobb 1982 , p. 140 ) .
16 Hence it could be shown that the connection between the brooches was more than one of a vague ‘ stylistic type ’ as has tended to be the case in most studies in the past .
17 Where interest has been shown it has tended to be critical of the idea of connecting creativity to madness .
18 Unfortunately , this evidence has tended to be fragmentary , a collection of separate , discrete pieces of information lacking a synthesizing theory to provide cohesion and predictive power .
19 Crude advertising discrimination has tended to be directed at the socialist rather than social-democratic press , thus exempting the mass-circulation , pro-Labour papers that have flourished ; … small circulation publications further to the left which have tended to be poor advertising media , judged by the commercial criterion employed by advertising agencies , have probably also suffered as a consequence of overt political discrimination .
20 Yet the under-fives area has tended to be somewhat ignored when anti-racist , anti.sexist policies are developed .
21 Mexico is a country with over three thousand years of continuous civilization , but knowledge of its history , culture and people has tended to be either minimal or — worse — affected by the kind of stereotypes we acquire from film or television .
22 The demise of Althusserianism has meant that the extent to which subsequent writers , such as Foucault or even Derrida , continued to work within the problematic that his work had established , has tended to be overlooked .
23 The operability in the past has tended to be low .
24 Despite recognition of the discomfort caused by ventilation and its attendant procedures ( tracheal suction , chest drains , arterial lines etc. ) , there has tended to be some reluctance to prescribe potent analgesics .
25 Even in the Coordinating Team , the development of such skills has tended to be accepted as self-evidently a good thing rather than debated or interpreted in a systematic way .
26 Thus , in general , it seems that backward projection on to historical states of language has tended to be based on present-day standard English and SBE , rather than other dialects , and as in the examples cited from Dobson ( below ) there has been a tendency to think of a phonemic set ( such as short /a/ ) as being invariant or nearly invariant within itself .
27 Gray and Jenkins ( 1986 ) conclude that while the FMI has enhanced the status and operation of certain aspects of financial management , notably those relating to the management of costs , this has tended to be at the expense of the integration of strategic management and even of accountability itself .
28 This has tended to be focussed on Afro-Caribbeans ( hereinafter called Blacks ) and considerable publicity has been given in the press to their over-representation in the arrest statistics collected by the Metropolitan Police District ( M.P.D. i.e. London ) .
29 By itself this might not be a bad thing , but elderly inmigration has tended to be accompanied by youthful outmigration , leading to a deteriorating age-sex structure .
30 This concept has played the leading role in the development of the modern law but the question of definition has tended to be passed over in the cases with little analysis .
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