Example sentences of "has be focus on " in BNC.

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1 The faculty has been focusing on the main issues affecting freight into the next century .
2 Considerable public attention has been focussed on the policy intentions of local councils over the last few years , especially those pursuing some unorthodox , radical or new policy aims .
3 Until recently women have been considered to be at low risk from HIV and AIDS , and attention has been focussed on so-called high risk groups .
4 Much attention has been focussed on the failure of five different strikers to score goals , but only recently have others , and notably the outspoken Tony Cottee , started to appreciate the real problem at Goodison .
5 However , although I am proposing a variationist view of language change , I have to deal with this in a context where the dominant tendency has been to focus on uniform states ( Weinreich , Labov and Herzog , 1968 ) .
6 The central contribution of these models has been to focus on the ‘ spill-over ’ effects that result from the failure of markets to clear .
7 Policemen and women are members of a close-knit occupational world with a discrete culture and also face a world which has great variability and confusion , and considerable attention has been focused on the cognitive processes , typifications , and recipes they employ to accomplish policing ( for example , see Bittner 1967 , 1980 ; Chatterton 1975 ; Holdaway 1983 ; Manning 1977 ; Policy Studies Institute 1983b ; Reiner 1978 ; Rubinstein 1973 ; Skolnick 1966 ; for a study of police typifications in the United States which has a very odd combination of Schutz 's ideas , symbolic interactionism , and quantitative and mathematical models , see Sykes and Brent 1983 ) .
8 ‘ Much public attention has been focused on foreign puchases of real estate , however , foreign ownership of banking and manufacturing is much more important ’ , the report argues .
9 Attention has been focused on the composition of these deposits to see if we can link implements to specific mines .
10 Considerable attention has been focused on the distinction between causing grievous bodily harm ( section 18 ) and inflicting grievous bodily harm ( section 20 ) : for many years it was believed that the more restrictive word ‘ inflict ’ meant that section 20 required proof of a sufficiently direct action by D to constitute an assault , but the House of Lords has now decided that there can be an ‘ infliction ’ of GBH without proof of an assault .
11 Much attention has been focused on the concept of ‘ reasonable excuse ’ , where the courts have attempted to impose a fairly stringent test on persons whose reason for carrying a weapon is said to be fear of attack .
12 A lot of it has been focused on my body — first for being too fat , now for being too thin .
13 In discussions of the recent Italian novel , however , most attention has been focused on its treatment not of the future , but of the past .
14 Though transsexuals are a rare phenomenon , much attention has been focused on them , not only because of the difficulties encountered in treating them , but also because of the insight a study of their condition may offer into the wider problems of sex determination and gender identity .
15 Much Third World interest has been focused on this part of the convention , giving it a disproportionate importance as the first evidence of a new international economic order .
16 Geophysical work in the core programme has been focused on interpreting existing datasets , particularly so as to pick up evidence of underlying structural controls and increase our three dimensional understanding of the crust .
17 Understanding the process is of considerable importance however , and it is this which has been focused on here .
18 Most attention has been focused on the ionotropic receptors ( like NMDA and kainic acid receptors ) , but it is clear that metabotropic receptors operating through the InsP 3 and DAG messenger systems have a profound effect on neural behaviour , including memory .
19 Although attention has been focused on the risks of tampon use , in the United Kingdom there appears to be an equally important incidence of toxic shock syndrome associated with surgical procedures .
20 The general umbrella term ‘ grouping ’ in practice covers a range of different organizations , and much of the comment on their influence has been focused on how much collective power they exercise .
21 IN the past , attention has been focused on the problems of the chronology of civil defences and less thought has been directed at the reasons for these defences and why some settlements were chosen in preference to others .
22 The argument between reformers and conservatives since Mao 's death has been focused on whether to open the window to the outside world or insert an ‘ iron mesh ’ to prevent the intrusion of ‘ dirty flies ’ .
23 Though much attention has been focused on critical ‘ breakthroughs ’ in such areas as micro-electronics , biotechnology and new materials where the potential for creating dramatic changes is obvious , change can also be created in small steps as firms find new ways of upgrading efficiencies .
24 Recent attention has been focused on the stunned myocardium and while established methods of assessing ventricular function are unable to detect such jeopardised myocardium , newer imaging techniques such as positron emission tomography , nuclear magnetic resonance or contrast echocardiography may further improve risk stratification in the future .
25 Much feminist attention has been focused on the sexist bias of many of the textbooks used in schools .
26 Much academic attention has been focused on the classification of the social groups comprising the new types of communities in rural areas .
27 Although accidents involving the release of radioactive material can occur at any stage of the nuclear fuel cycle , most attention has been focused on reactor accidents .
28 More recently , attention has been focused on the statutory legal advice scheme ( and , indeed , legal aid generally ) , prompted , it seems , more by government concern at rising public expenditure costs than any serious wish that those who need but can not afford legal services obtain them .
29 Much of the discussion about implementation has been focused on the transfer of resources and the adequacy of the amounts transferred , both transitionally and in the longer term .
30 Attention has been focused on the nature of the relationship which develops between the case manager and the client , as an attempt to understand which factors in the case manager and the client contribute to the development of a successful relationship and lead to better long-term outcome ( Frank and Gunderson , 1990 ; Wasylenki , 1991 ) .
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