Example sentences of "has be [vb pp] produce " in BNC.

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1 In the above , some attempt has been made to produce well-sounding harmony , but the whole-tone system has so little conflict within itself that almost any combination of notes can sound tolerable .
2 Every effort has been made to produce an accurate list .
3 Each sector has been assumed to produce its final output using only capital and labour .
4 Because of these shortages , much research has been undertaken to produce a fat with cocoa butter properties .
5 I can not even press for its performance , since a conspiracy has been formed to produce it , if it must be produced , extremely badly and thus ruin it .
6 Alex has been trained to produce vocal answers to questions from a human .
7 The secretary-general has been asked to produce his report on a range of subjects by 1 July .
8 And we wonder where all the feed for those pigs is coming from and what land devastation has been used to produce it .
9 A natural material that has this type of structure is coral , which has been used to produce a range of implant ceramics .
10 There is very good agreement between the predictions and the observations , and the method has been used to produce charts showing short wavelength variation in compass heading over the Gulf of Mexico .
11 ‘ from the day the first palaeolithic warrior smashed a rock into a small animal , violence has been used to produce wealth ’ .
12 Membrane stripping has been suggested to produce earlier spontaneous labour and have no complications , but it is also an intervention that many women would dislike .
13 Although , extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy with adjuvant bile acid therapy has been reported to produce stone clearance in 91% of patients at 12–18 months after stone fragmentation , 83% of these patients had solitary stones .
14 The message at the other end has been distorted to produce send three and fourpence , he is going to a dance' .
15 What has let Britain down is that this has been allowed to produce growing numbers of redundancies instead of the increase in employment , and growth in the availability of real resources that should have resulted .
16 The head-on clash with Kuwait , which has been allowed to produce oil without restriction since the end of the Gulf war , was seen by many OPEC observers as a rehearsal for the more difficult problems arising when the United Nations ' embargo on Iraq is lifted .
17 Not only are some birds known to detect infrasound , but one species has been shown to produce infrasonic calls .
18 Re-employment has been shown to produce measurable improvements in health , but I know of no study of the effects of joining a workfare scheme .
19 Lithocholic acid has been shown to produce DNA strand breaks and both chenodeoxycholic acid and lithocholic acid induce mitotic aneuploidy in yeast cells .
20 H pylori has been shown to produce a factor which inhibits parietal cells in vitro and hypochlorhydria may be a feature of the acute infection .
21 It is recognised that , by activating soluble guanylate cyclase , NO increases synthesis of cyclic guanosine monophosphate and this has been shown to produce membrane hyperpolarisation in colonic smooth muscle .
22 Infection of the bitch on a single occasion has been shown to produce transmammary infections in at least three consecutive litters .
23 a halftone where the background has been removed to produce a silhouette .
24 There is , however , one procedure that has been found to produce apparently the reverse effect — Hall and Schachtman ( 1987 ) have demonstrated that leaving a long interval between the last session of pre-exposure to the stimulus and the first test session will result in the restoration of an habituated UR while leaving latent inhibition unaffected .
25 In humans , in contrast , surgical removal of the hippocampus has been found to produce a profound and abiding loss of memory .
26 An average British pasture with 50,000 earthworms to the acre has been estimated to produce about 10 tons of casts ( or in. of topsoil ) per annum .
27 The whole human enterprise has been designed to produce Fukuyama and his like .
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