Example sentences of "been [adv] associated [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Swastika has been widely associated with the solar orb and its motion across the sky , the right-angled movement of the design relating to the rising sun and the left-angled to the setting sun , and accordingly the summer and winter solstices .
2 Plant down , with natural blood as an adhesive , is often used to form the design ; or ochre ( blood of the earth ) which has always been intimately associated with ceremonies of fertility , the invocation of rain , etc. , by tribal people in most countries , who , like the Aborigines , regard the earth as a living , breathing entity , its underground watercourses being seen in a similar light to the human arterial system .
3 Their distinctive features have been chronicled ( with evident pride ) by Schaffer ( 1970 ) and Evans ( 1972 ) ; the first because , as a civil servant , he had been much associated with the programme , the second because it was written for the Town and Country Planning Association , long the champions of planned dispersal .
4 Garlands of flowers and greenery have always been traditionally associated with May festivities , being used to decorate the trees brought in from the woods .
5 It shows , unequivocally , that many men in the last years of their lives do assume roles and perform tasks which have been traditionally associated with women , and it is clear that a substantial number do so with skill and tenderness .
6 These activities have all been traditionally associated with the construction of engineering drawings and parts schedules .
7 The tatie of course what it says , that vegetable having been traditionally associated with stupidity .
8 Proconsul has been shown to have been mainly associated with forested palaeoenvironments in East Africa .
9 In spite of the fact that Champion ( 1981 , 20 ) has argued that ‘ some of the most spectacular changes have occurred in those rural areas which are relatively remote from traditional metropolitan influences ’ it must also be remembered that the extra numbers in the remote areas are relatively modest , compared with those in the outer margins of the main centres of population , as shown in Figure 5.3 , and that most of the population growth has been strongly associated with smaller towns and accessible settlements in the countryside both in England ( OPCS , 1981b ) and Ireland ( Duffy , 1983 ) .
10 In Britain the law and order approach has been particularly associated with the Conservative government of Margaret Thatcher ( Prime Minister from 1979 to 1990 ) , but its effects have been felt in other countries as well , notably the USA .
11 Here , however , lay the crux of the matter , for the King of Prussia and his government maintained that they had never been officially associated with Leopold , whose activities were purely personal , and that the King was concerned with the matter only as head of the House of Hohenzollern .
12 From 9 January to 10 February she has invited many of the artists with which she has been closely associated during those years to show .
13 Asking someone who has been closely associated with garden flowers for more than 50 years to name his favourite one is rather like asking King Solomon to name his favourite wife — I love then all !
14 Even though Richard Baxter was born in Shropshire and spent most of his life elsewhere , his name has always been closely associated with the town of Kidderminster .
15 He had been closely associated with U Saw before the war and had accompanied the Governor to India .
16 For many people , much of the previous 20 to 30 years has been closely associated with the issues and problems of bringing up their children .
17 In recent years he has been closely associated with Hildegard Fritz-Denneville Fine Arts Ltd in Bond Street where his knowledge and connoisseurship are greatly valued and he is still to be found on weekdays in the gallery 's offices .
18 Contributors include the Parliamentary Secretary at the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food , David Maclean , as well as experts who have been closely associated with the Survey over many years .
19 One way of addressing this is for me to continue to highlight some of the views of colleagues who have not , in the public mind at least , been closely associated with the anti-Federalist cause and several of whom were not , for instance , among the eighty-odd Conservative Members who signed one or both of the ‘ Fresh Start ’ Motions .
20 In some European countries with a two-party system , in which the parties have traditionally been closely associated with the major classes in capitalist society , changes in the class structure — such as were examined in Chapter 1 — have made possible the emergence or revival of ‘ centre ’ parties , and changes of this kind may in due course have an impact upon the electoral system itself .
21 In Australia a bus driver developed a type of lung cancer which has been closely associated with smoking , and he successfully sued his employers .
22 My hon. Friend is right to say that the Labour party has been closely associated with the development of those dogmas over many years .
23 Now , one member of the joint traffic management sub-committee who has been closely associated with all of these three issues is county councillor Tony and I must say , Mr Mayor that I am surprised to say the least by the way in which councillor appears appears to have been treated by some members of the labour party in this city .
24 During the 1987 Iran/Contra hearings in Washington the most frightening witness was Colonel Oliver North , who , though not a direct employee of the CIA , had been inextricably associated with it in this sordid affair .
25 The toxic shock syndrome has been commonly associated with menstruation since the definition of the condition in 1980 in the United States .
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